MovieChat Forums > Ziyi Zhang Discussion > Snow Flower And The Secret Fan

Snow Flower And The Secret Fan

I know that Zhang Ziyi's career statesides despite a great hype surrounding her role in MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA has not really skyrocketed so far, but maybe things will get better if it's true she's going to be one of the two leading girls starring in Wayne Wang's next venture.
It seems SMOKE director wants to make a film based upon Lisa See's acclaimed novel SNOW FLOWER AND THE SECRET FAN...maybe it's just a buzz (and infact the project is not listed by imdb among the movies Wang is tipped to make) but if that's true I think that Zhang Ziyi could find a better occasion than Rob Marshall's film
I know that Wayne Wang films has never been considered oscarish so far or hasn't made tons of money, but he builded a reputation of a good director and some of his films have been widely appreciated.
I wish he could make a good movie from See's novel (I can't say if SNOW FLOWER is a better book than MEMOIRS even if that's not an hard task if you ask me...) and possibly that he could find a larger audience than his recente movies (which premiered on you tube), as I hope Zhang Ziyi could find new fortune thanks to this role


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Oh, sorry! but I'm sure that a jerk like you could speak my own language really better than how I can speak your!!!!

oh, many *beep* are there on internet?!?


He's hit and miss but I loved "Chinese box" with Gong Li and Jeremey irons
It's gotta be better than Horsemen


I love SMOKE very much..and I'm quite confident about this project
Yes, for actress/producer Zhang Ziyi this could be a better occasion than THE HORSEMEN and many others films she starred in recently...


Apparently she asked Shu Qi to star alongside her in this film but Shu turned down the offer.


Considering they were supposed to have a topless scene together, we will miss what could have been a stepstone in world cinema.
