Odette in House

For those of you have watched Odette on House this week, have you ever seen such a stark contrast in acting ability between her and Hugh Laurie? It's almost painful to watch, which is a shame because House is normally such a great show! Her weak acting ability almost makes me not want to watch the show anymore; there is SO little believability there. I don't mean to bash her but i was merely curious if anyone was thinking the same thoughts? :s


I'll take Odette over Charlyne.


Not really...she seems awfully natural to me. That other one though...good god she can't act her way out of an OR.

Panem et Circenses.


I don't think she's doing such a bad job.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


She is odious. Gorgeous but horrible. She does not come across as intelligent enough to be a doctor. She does not come across as smart enough to make a sandwich for that matter. I am past sick of her. Ugh.

Liberty is a well-armed lamb ...


I'm watching that episode now and could not agree more, she is not a good actress and not suited for this show and yes Hugh runs lap around her.
