He's gonna be awesome in Rogue One
Bhook it!
shareI hope so, but I get the feeling that he's not gonna do much on the action side. Jiang Wen is definitely going to kill more people.
YouTube Asian Movie Review Channel
I loved his character in it
sharethe only comic relief
& tones of action
1963 seems like yesterday
so so so luv'd it
der hund verzehrt mein kind
Donnie's talent was put to much, much better use than Yayan Ruhian in TFA (which was a complete waste, lost opportunity and disappointment, but that's what you get with JJ Abrams).
shareHe was definitelf fantastic in R-1. He was actually my favorite character in the film. :)
shareBest character in the movie to me.
Logan, buddy. It's me, Deadpool! I shot youuuuuu....
First Hollywood movie to serve his talents well in my mind.
shareThe dog understands my child
I also learnt basic German!