I'm sorry your life was so short, Penny (From Odd Thomas).
Now I say the same thing to you Anton, I'm so sorry.
I remember the first time I saw him, it was in Taken, I was 12 or 13 years old, I saw him and I though he was cute.
As I grew older I kept watching his films, sometimes I'd forget about him, and then he would appear in my tv.
Every time I saw him, I would think the same thing, what a extraordinary and cute actor.
3 years ago, I got married, (Now I'm 27, the same age as Anton) I would joke with my husband saying that Anton was my free pass.
When an actor passes away, is sad, but it never hurts, at least to me. But when I found out, I was very sad, maybe because I felt like I had grow up with him a bit, being the same age and all. Maybe because I lost my mom a month ago and everything hits me hard.
Either way, this is so sad, I don't think I can go to see the new Star Trek.
They say, he didn't suffer long, I hope it was true.
He was talented, versatile and professional.
I wish his family the streng they need to survive this tragic moment.
English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistake.
And if you can, write a memory you have of him.