MovieChat Forums > 'Weird Al' Yankovic Discussion > i wonder what prince songs he would have...

i wonder what prince songs he would have parodied?

he probably would have did some great ones


He should have parodied "Kiss" with "Piss".


was he not allowed to parody prince?


prince despised him. he couldn't be near prince or look at prince at mtv award shows.


Prince did not despise him. At times he even complimented Al's other work. He just had a strange over protection of his work, and seldom let anyone parody it.

The event you're referring too was actually the AMA's, and many people got that note from Prince's management, including Weird Al. This may not have been a slight at Al as much as it was a part of his eccentricity.

Not mentioned in the article is that Prince always had a bit of a rivalary with Michael Jackson. And since Michael was a big fan of Al's and Al had made several hits out of Michael's songs, Prince may have felt like he would be following Jackson again.


When Ducks Cry

Little Red Pinto


"$19.99" about a bargain retail store.

Lets Go Crazy was going to be about the Beverly Hillbillies. He ended up using Dire Straits "Money For Nothing" instead and put it in his movie.

When Gloves Dry.



Good ideas, but I'd have $19.99 about an infomercial. Like "buy now and get a free bubblegum slicer"....


'Cat Dance'
'Purple Plane'

funny story, my friend in the Air Force once wrote on a piece of paper "dig if you will my penis".
