MovieChat Forums > Sam Worthington Discussion > What the hell happened to this guy?

What the hell happened to this guy?

He was in AVATAR, and better yet TERMINATOR SALVATION and Clash of the Titans.

Then, he disappeared....until he came back...for a second time in Wrath of the Titans....but then he disappeared again....

So, three years doing nothing? Has he quit acting altogether?


He's doing the Avatar sequels.


Also, I forgot to add, smaller films like Cake, Drift, and the upcoming Paper Planes.


Poor Sam... Only got 3 more Avatars to bank in..
Poor chap!

-*Inserting random phrase by famous madman/idiot that makes me feel intelligent*-


"the avatar sequels"

What avatar sequels? You mean the ones James Cameron said he was going to make six years ago on a whim but got bored before he could even finish the 2nd one?


Yes the three Avatar sequels that are currently in development.

"im beautiful your not" - me
"you're* " - you


Poor Sam ;(
James Cameron is so not a well-established director.
Giant smurf-movies totally won't come out in a few years time.
Sam got so fooled and he has to move back to his old car.

-*Inserting random phrase by famous madman/idiot that makes me feel intelligent*-


He's going to be the biggest star in the world when the new Avatar trilogy comes out. He is set for life, and he's not doing bad outside of avatar like people seem to think.


You're kidding about Cameron not being an established director, right? In his career, he jump-started one of the most acclaimed sci-fi franchises of all time, directed a sequel to a classic Ridley Scott film that's even more revered and directed the two biggest movies of all time, not to mention sweeping the Academy Awards with the former.
