MovieChat Forums > Shailene Woodley Discussion > an average looking movie star

an average looking movie star

I find her to be an incredibly average, regular looking girl.
I dont know how she can be a movie star because I thought you have to look "hot" to be a movie star.
She looks no better than a girl on the street.


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Agreed, looks extremely ordinary.

With that said, no you don't need good looks to be a movie star; not if you have acting talent or good contacts. Does she have talent? I wouldn't know, I haven't watched her movies & have no intention of doing so because they look terrible.


i dont agree.. movie stars are supposed to look great or at least better than most people. I guess it's good she isn't relying on her looks to be a star. She plays the regular average girl character and more women could relate to her and not be jealous. Like in Divergent, she's just an average girl and she hooks up with a super good looking dude. The regular female viewer could relate to that.


even without make up, she'll look pretty average


movie stars are supposed to look great or at least better than most people.

How do you come away with that idea when there are people like Vern Troyer, Lena Dunham, Michael Berryman and Clint Howard (plus many others) in the business?

Be thankful for every new day! 


Although I do agree with you. Yes she is average looking and yes she plays the more "every girl" which makes her main audience of teenage girls un-threatened by her getting the man that her audience finds attractive.

That said you don't have to be beautiful to be a great actor in Hollywood. Though it does help to be attractive as Hollywood would prefer to hire a star who is both attractive and can act rather than just a model who can read or a homely face who can act (just how it is in Hollywood), but again there are good actors who are not Hollywood beautiful. She isn't one of them...

Barbara Stanwyck and I used to ride the trolley! ~Andrea Zuckerman


i dont agree.. movie stars are supposed to look great or at least better than most peopleMaily because most people are very vain.

I feel it's refreshing to have some average looking "normal" people on film once in a while.
