His wife is cute...
Dont get it...sad to hear
Love this guy...


Mary is younger


Yeah...ive had a bunch so i get it (better bods...)
Younger is pretty sexy but dumb as a sack of rocks...
I like the 'mature' ones myself...sexiest and funniest imo
Shame on Ewan if true...some of my buddies do this in the real world...




I hate cheaters who have an attitude of 'i'm not cheating, i'm not married, he/she is, not me'.

Home wreckers suck.


Why? They didnt make any promises? Its the responsibility of those in the marriage not to cheat. No one else made any commitments, and its not anyone elses job to police other peoples marriages.

You cant wreck a home unless you do it by force. If the home gets wrecked it because of the homeowners.


Exactly. It's actually really frustrating when the married one, the one cheating, gets no blame at all. The person sleeping with a married person is still a terrible person for doing so, but the "homewrecker" can't just be one person. The married person isn't forced into an affair - they do it by choice.


No, I disagree. If someone is married and is making a move on you, you have an obligation to say 'no, I don't mess with married men/women'.

I've done it. I told a woman who was an office friend that I wouldn't give her my phone number because I don't give out my number to married women. She lost it. Creepy old ass woman. She told me she wanted to have an affair to get back at her husband who was a cheater. She seriously didn't realise that I was way out of her league.


Eh, so you didnt fancy her. Cool. But you were under no obligation to do anything. You made no promises to her husband, she did. Its not your obligation to see her follow her vows. She is the only one who is under any obligation.

You can say you wouldnt for many reasons, but none of them are an obligation. Morally you wouldnt be doing anything wrong. It maybe against your personal ethics, but other peoples relationships arent your responsibility.


Morally I would, because a wife belongs to another man. As we say in Australia, you don't cut another man's lunch!


If they know a person is married and they are still trying to be in a relationship with them, I’m sorry but they are a home wrecker.
Where are people’s morals these days?
That’s why the whole side-piece thing is glorified. People think it’s okay to do that.
And if he/she chooses to be taken by someone else then they weren’t meant for you in the first place.


Aren't they both married?


I would pretend to be married so she could wreck my home.


nice thoughts


I'd sure like to share some nice thoughts with her. You know, find out common interests and build a stronger connection.


I used to really like her, but I don’t think I do anymore...


Shame. Somehow i never expected she would be like that.


Wow. I was thinking she was one of those squeaky clean celebs.


Oh yes, she's a bad girl. So bad. And dirty, too... So dirty dirty. Time for a spanking.


I know, right? Why not? I mean, I would marry her and remain chaste forever, but if she wanted to see each other on the side, why not wiggle with Winstead?
