making a difference
Rainn Wilson is somewhat of a political beast. I'd like to see him tackle something that would actually affect many people quickly and in a big way. Real change only comes with radical ideas these days and only someone with influence, like a celebrity, can bring enough clout to the idea to stir the interest of the masses.
I would like to see a mass boycott of credit card payments and I think a group of celebrities could pull one together. They just need someone to spearhead it. If everyone (EVERYONE) did not make their payments until credit companies, across the boards, agreed to drop their interest rates to a fixed 9.9% with only fixed late-payment penalties (no raised interest rates for any reason), it wouldn't take more than 2 months to make it happen - in my opinion. That would be billions of lost fluidity. And, if it took longer, so be it.
People could figure their payment amounts at 9.9% and set the money aside each month the boycott lasted until the change came about then take that money and make those payments at the new interest rate (not the old)with no late fees for the boycott period. People would have to stand firm and together.
We need celebrities who care about something REAL that they can actually use to create REAL change and help the little guy. People feel defeated. The top 2% of earners own 50% of the real money in this country. It has to change. The question becomes - Do celebrities really care about the people who make their lives possible?