X-Men 3...

Three More for X3
Source: IGN FilmForce August 15, 2005

"Stax" from IGN FilmForce has passed on his scoop about three more additions to X-Men 3, the third chapter in the series based on Marvel Comics' popular superteam, currently under production with Brett Ratner at the helm.

Firstly, Professor X's old love interest, Dr. Moira McTaggert, who runs the Mutant Research Center on Muir Island, Scotland, will be played by British actress Olivia Williams, who has appeared in films like Below, The Sixth Sense and Peter Pan.

FilmForce also confirms that Bill Duke of Predator will be playing a politician on the President's cabinet, not a scientist as previously reported, and that Michael Murphy, who had the title role in Robert Altman's Tanner '88, will play the Angel's father, Warren Worthington, Sr.

SOURCE: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/topnews.php?id=10816

"Sex always ends in kids or disease or like, you know, relationships."


I hope she'll get more exposure after X3.


Unfortunatly she won't be in X3 at all. I have first hand confirmation that she came close, but did NOT in fact get the role. It's a crying shame, she would have been great and it would have been great exposure like you say, but none the less, it ain't happenin'


Well if it ain't happening, how come we can see her in the trailer to the movie?

"I intend this breast satirically."
"There's a phase that can't come up too often."


Oh my god I love her! She was so great in Rushmore! Her being Moira in X3 is like a dream come true!


I can't believe they mention her role in the Sixth Sense, but not Rushmore...

Also, Bill Duke is my hero.


I have just seen the movie. Williams was in two scenes, both very short. In the first scene the has a couple of lines, in the second she just sits in a chair. That's it! Her name doesn't appear on the credits.
I think her character was supposed to be more important, because there would not be any reason for her character to show up at the school.

"As intelligence goes up, happiness often goes down."(Lisa Simpson)


She has three Scenes....... Spoliers AHEAD For X-MEN 3.........................Stay till the very end of the credits. There is a brief scene with someone in a hospital bed and Olivia Williams standing above him. The person in the bed speaks but is not shown speaking. It is Prof. X's voice and he is now inside the body of the man seen in the video in the begining of the movie with Olivia Williams. She looks at the body kind of in shock and says Charles.


i think she may have been the one character in the movie that was portrayed almost exactly right!!! very little to screw up there ;)
