Betty White seems like the stereotypical grandma figure yet she apparently has no real children? Why is that? She has been married before? She is a step mother but those children aren't her real children (in part of production). I guess it isn't too late for her but do we think this is it for her?
I don't have any, because I never wanted any. It's that simple for some people.
Some people don't want any, some people can't have any, some people want to have them but the circumstances are never right. But whatever the reason, it's not socially acceptable to ask anyone why not, because there's always a chance you might hurt someone's feelings by asking.
I realized long ago that I didn't ever want children. I like them, but I like them for a short while and then they go home. Many people these days shouldn't have children. Unless you have lots of money so one parent doesn't have to work, you shouldn't have them. Putting kids in daycare, while both parents work isn't ideal for the development of well adjusted kids. Even with a parent always there, kids aren't good for all people. Some people just shouldn't be parents. That is why everyone is so screwed up these days.
Thank you for that post. Not everyone is fit to be a parent. I stand by my conviction that people should be licensed to have children, after passing rigorous tests. We make people pass tests to buy a pet or adopt a child. Why are we letting just anyone who can swap sperm procreate? The results have not been good.
I once worked in a mass-market, big box environment. We had a lot of theft issues. What realty got my attention was how many children their alleged parents let wander alone through the huge store while Mommy and Daddy were jerking off in, say, the Video Games department. Can you guess how much money a healthy 4-year old child will fetch on the black market, as opposed to a stolen PlayStation. It’s obscene, and children deserve better.
I really find it hard to believe that there's a huge black market for screaming children, considering how few people can tolerate their presence for an hour.