MovieChat Forums > Dominic West Discussion > Posh English Actor

Posh English Actor

His name is mentioned frequently as part of the 'Posh English Actors' backlash. Yes I think that underpriveledged people should have educational opportunities afforded to the wealthy. However, I don't care how much money your family has, the individual has to have the talent to be considered
esteemed actors. See Cody Horn.


Cody Who? Sorry, couldn't resist. There's a lot of good niche stuff out there, not suggesting Me, Myself, the Great (very big in Japan) not knowing the name means anything.

I agree with you, really don't care what class an English actor is (which is quite apart from how much money they grew up with, over there the class system is still a thing), what kind of talent they have and also what attitudes they have (and it's almost impossible to keep those secret in the twitterverse, the crew always dimes out d-bags).

Only really seen him in the Wire, and the more I saw of McNulty the less I liked him, so I'm aware I have a bias and try to withold judgement re: dominic west.
