MovieChat Forums > John David Washington Discussion > He should be The Next Bond

He should be The Next Bond

he was amazing in Tenet besides he is already Tenet proves he has the chops


WORST actor ever. Expressionless face, not a spark of the talent his father has, butt ugly and above all: BLACK. And James Bond was NOT black. So bye bye mr non-actor jdw.


Exactly. This was the worst actor I've seen in a Nolan movie. He was miles away from actors like DiCaprio, McConaughey, Hugh Jackman, Christopher Bale, Health Ledger, Tom Hardy, Liam Neeson. And miles away from his own father too.

The only way to explain how he appeared in Tenet is the black quota. Elizabeth Debicki stole the movie, Pattinson was fine, Brannagh was overacted and John David Washington was simply awful. And what's worse: he was the fucking main character.


So all the white guys mentioned above are supposed to be better than the black guy? Textbook racism.


The black guy was so black that especially with that evenly black monstrosity of a beard on his face you could see no facial expression whatsoever. It was an emotionless black blob acting in a way worthy of a lifetime Razzie achievement award. We're not singling out jdw because he's black, he's just an AWFUL actor who also happens to be black. Textbook snowflake to call that racism.


Debicki not only stole the movie, she gave me a tennis elbow as well.


Go away shill


He sleepwalked through his role in Tenet, not that he had much to work with, but he was good in BlackKklansman.


James Bond is white (there......was that the response you wanted?)


He was boring. He did not even manage to become likeable although he was the protagonist. It takes a lot to fail so badly.
