I continue to be really surprised at how many people loved this man personally and professionally. I have heard so many wonderful things about him since his passing. And its not just celebrities. Common everyday people who interacted with him say he was a great, sweet, loving person who had been unaffected by all the negatives in Hollywood. I have been thinking about his death as well. His father has been on Entertainment Tonight with pictures, videos, and stories about him. I think for me the reason his death is so bothersome was because he was just the passenger riding in a car with his friend. He didn't do anything wrong. He didn't do anything that many of us haven't done a million times. He wasn't driving the car and yet both he and Rodas were killed. Its just so simple. If only he had not gotten in that car he would still be alive and with his family. For me it is just so ironic and unfair that wound up dead and he wasn't even driving the car. Its just one of those things in life that you just don't really understand but have to accept.