MovieChat Forums > Paul Walker Discussion > Meadow tattoo in F5...

Meadow tattoo in F5...

Was that a real tattoo? Or just for the movie?


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On his wrist?
Real. d8fffbbc5c847.jpg

From the trivia section.
He had a tattoo of his daughter's name, Meadow, tattooed on the inside of his right wrist along with the Hawaiian state flower.


Awww that is so sweet. I wonder how she is doing.


She's doing better than most seeing how she is a multimillionaire.

Not to mention she and her family are set for 2 lifetimes.

Why are you worried about it?

You think they would be asking about you and yours had it been flipped?

They don't care about you why you caring about then?

He died doing something stupid and unnecessary just cuz he could.

Millionaire lifestyle and he wasted his.


I know it's easy to be an internet bully, but're trolling on the board of a dead guy about his daughter. That takes a special breed of jacka$$. Does it matter that she's rich now? Don't you think she'd give it all back to have another day with her dad? While none of us knew Paul, you obviously knew nothing of him. His life was not wasted. He cared nothing of his money; he spent his free time with his organization helping out others. People are better off because Paul Walker lived. Can the same be said of internet troll. This world needs more Paul Walkers in could learn from him.


Let's break this down. Troll "is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion." Yup. Sums you up.

Cyberbullying is the use of cell phones, instant messaging, e-mail, chat rooms or social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to harass, threaten or intimidate someone." Yup. You came here not to have a discussion, but to harass fans of Paul Walker. Not to mention the use of "self-entitled arrogant presumptuous cowardly mfer" I'd actually like to know where those words came from? Self-entitled? Did I come here demanding something for nothing? Arrogant? Don't think I said anything about myself. Presumptuous...maybe...but you make it easy to speculate about who you are. Cowardly? What, do you need to meet me in person? I'm not the one who comes on a deceased man's board to talk crap. I think that makes you the coward. can keep on believe that defending Walker to the likes of you is "celebrity worship", but what you've displayed is a serious case of jealousy. What does it matter that he's a millionaire? Why does it upset you so? Did he owe you money?

You said, and I quote, "We don't need more greedy millionaires like him. We need them to go just like he went out. The world would be a much better place. " Wow. Since when did you get to determine who lives and who passes? And you call me arrogant!

But this is the most telling "You ready to knuckle up for some millionaire princess that wouldn't give you the time of day for doing so not to mention would never do the same for you. " You referred to a man as a obviously think that Paul Walk is gay or is some sort of "sissy" and that bothers you. You're a homophobe. It truly is that simple. You hide behind a "USMC" identity and troll people that have it better than you. Pathetic. Don't like Paul Walker, then go on living your life. But you can't because your an internet warrior. You need to let others know the size of your imaginary cock by belittling anything anyone else cares about. Bravo! The guts that must take....


Lmfao! How odd you assumed I was referring to Paul when I said millionaire princess.

I was referring to his daughter out of wedlock.

You need to go chillax take a walk around the block.

It will get better at some point you fruitcake lol.

You raged and ranted all thar basically for nothing.

Typical white knight thinking they'll make a difference.

The truth really hurt you I see lol.

Feel that sting let it burn.
