MovieChat Forums > Lana Wachowski Discussion > Anyone who has hatred or hostility towar...

Anyone who has hatred or hostility towards Lana is disgusting.

The ones that write horrible things are a bunch of disgusting, completely gutless, vile, anonymous cowards, who only go after her because they don't deem her a physical threat. Only the lowest of the low target people they don't think would ever fight back. If one watches her Human Rights Campaign speech and still dislikes her has no soul. She's probably one of the most kind, genuine, GENTLE, non-threatening people in the entire world. At least she goes against the grain and lives life how she wants to, instead of like all the other conforming, sheep followers that dare breath the same air. You're the ones with the problem, and for your vile comments you will sincerely pay one day, and then rot in hell for eternity as a result of it.


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He can do whatever he wants with his body or call himself by whatever he wants, but for 99%(and that's being overly generous) of the worlds population it isn't normal, and you can't expect them to accept it as being normal since it's not(and I don't mean morally).


When did you take that poll? I don't recall you asking me. You're just projecting your own transphobia.


I swear someday people like sweiland are going to defend beastiality by calling people against it beastiaphobes. Why not I say, allow it all. Yes.


Doesn't affect me in the least. To each their own.


What a load of textual diarrhea.

The ones that write horrible things are a bunch of disgusting, completely gutless, vile, anonymous cowards, who only go after her because they don't deem her a physical threat.

You don't know anyone who is saying stuff personally. That being said, remind me how speaking your mind makes you disgusting, gutless or a coward. I thought that coming forward and being true to yourself was to be praised. I guess that's only the case when you support the social Marxist agenda. If not you're a BIGOT RACIST SEXIST etc etc.

Only the lowest of the low target people they don't think would ever fight back.

Because you're definitely not being aggressive right now only because you think nobody could find where you live and beat the *beep* out of you for insulting them (which they could, if they really wanted to.)

If one watches her Human Rights Campaign speech and still dislikes her has no soul.

Well for starters, one does not watch a speech, one listens to it.

I'd rather have no soul and be true to my self and what I believe in then be a coward who keeps quiet simply to keep the sheeple like you off my back.

She's probably one of the most kind, genuine, GENTLE, non-threatening people in the entire world.

Or HE could probably be a terrible person in every single way. Nice stereotyping--I guess society's "victims" are always angels, and "normal" people who have never done anything wrong get blamed for the bigots their ancestors might have been and are labelled as such.

At least she goes against the grain and lives life how she wants to, instead of like all the other conforming, sheep followers that dare breath the same air.

Poor Joseph Stalin. Y'know, at least he went against the grain and lived life how he wanted to, instead of like all of the other conforming, sheep followers that dared to breathe the same air.

You're the ones with the problem, and for your vile comments you will sincerely pay one day, and then rot in hell for eternity as a result of it.

Who the problem is is subjective. To the opponents of the transgender folk, its the queers that are the problem because they are deliberately going against whatever their god or conscience says is right. Who are you to say who is "good" and who is "bad"? You're just a nobody making a post on the Internet.

I always love to see people using threats of violence in retaliation to threats of violence, as if that allows them to stand on the moral high ground.

Overall, 0/10 post. Absolutely nothing of value to be gained. You seem to be more interested in simply getting your way than helping the transgender people fit into society. Don't even care if your post is a year old, I had to respond. It was far too "disgusting", as you would say, to leave alone.


I haven't read ownage like that in ages. That high horse OP is on is looking uncomfortable.
