MovieChat Forums > Lana Wachowski Discussion > An open letter to the Wachowskis

An open letter to the Wachowskis

I love you. Please don't stop making movies. Please don't stop making art. Everything that you are is the basis for my reason for loving art in the first place... I don't care who gets it. I don't care who loves it or doesn't. In all the years I have been watching film and loving it I have never seen anyone have the courage you do to put something out there that destroys the boundaries of storytelling, and I would be heartbroken if you had to give it up.

Everything you do is worth watching. Everything you do is worth seeing. You are my favorite creators. Thank you for everything that you have done, and everything that you keep on doing.

My thoughts:
My book:

You didn't come here to make the choice, you're here to understand why you made it.
