MovieChat Forums > Cerina Vincent Discussion > We'll be contacting her soon!

We'll be contacting her soon!

My brother has recently began an actor's agency with his wealthy partner, and now that I'm heading to North Hollywood to sign up as one of my brother's first three screen writers, we've been discussing such actors/actresses as Cerina Vincent, Jamie Bell, Rachel McAdams, and Ryan Gosling. I'm really not sure of how popular these people are in Hollywood (my brother knows more of course) but I'm definitely interested in Miss Vincent for a part in this screenplay I've written. Plus, my brother is able to contact them through sources.

Quick question for you readers out there: do you think Cerina Vincent could play a spunky, energetic but yet sweet and courageous policewoman? Of course, I can't reveal anything about the actual part we'd like to cast her in, but to have some honest opinions on her acting skills for this role would be welcomed. I realize that she hasn't been a lead actress in any films yet so that is sort of a concern, since I want to use her in a lead role. But again, we're starting out in this business so we don't have the ammo to get bigtime people yet.


Hi, I think Cerina would do very well in the part, it sounds like a great character! Take a look at her leading roles in IT WAITS and EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE ITALIAN (both are now out on DVD) to get a good cross-section of roles she can play. There are many more of her films on DVD, as well, but for starters those two titles would give you a nice, contrasting overview of her work. She's a very appealing performer, I think. Good luck on the film!


I saw her in Cabin Fever. She's super sexy and to imagine her as a hot cop in a tight police uniform with a deep is all I can say.



Nah just have her be a 'normal' Cop like Tina Hanlon(Paula Garces) played in 'The Shield';



yeah and I will be contacting Steven Speilberg about his next movie he wants me to be in


Absolutely she would be great for the role!

If you don't mind me asking what production company are you working for or affiliated with?

Megan Fox
Odette Yustman
Sarah Michelle Gellar
