MovieChat Forums > Indira Varma Discussion > Is she ever in anything where she DOESN'...

Is she ever in anything where she DOESN'T die?

Rome- Throws herself off a balcony after her husband discovers her infidelity
Torchwood- KIlled after betraying Torchwood
Luther- Killed by her husband's coworker

"Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything."


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hasn't died in Human Target yet..


Only saw a couple of episodes of Human Target, but I started to wonder as soon as I saw her.
Then I finally realized, that is Suzie from Torchwood.


she's attractive.. hasn't died on Human Target...


Didn't die in Bones.

As a warrior and as a man, I will leave my mark upon the world! Marguilus
