MovieChat Forums > Mamie Van Doren Discussion > Who could play Mamie in a movie??????

Who could play Mamie in a movie??????

WHO could play Mamie Van Doren in a movie?????
she deserves a good one made about her!

she is verry beautiful and kind and cool!!!

would one of these acctresses be able to
"Play the field"??????????

Holly Madison - (circa 1950's)

Pamela Anderson - (circa 1970's)

Gwen Stefani - (circa 1940's)

Mamie Van Doren as her (gorgeous) self - (every circa especially 2006)

~~~~~~~~~~~~ OR other(s) OR all of the abouve?????? ~~~~~~~~

"Stars were made to suffer, and I am a star."-Jayne Mansfield


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I think Pamel would be perfect. Gwen would need to chage her make up and hair a bit, but she would be OK too.


Gwen has Mamie's nose and Pamela looks like
a 1970's Mamie~

"Stars were made to suffer, and I am a star."-Jayne Mansfield
~15 now~


Pam & Mamie


"Stars were made to suffer, and I am a star."-Jayne Mansfield
~15 now~


Mamie herself could even pull it off~

I really think that Holly Madison would be
great cause she look like Mamie a lot~

and yes Mame's portrayer has to have
lots of Razzle Dazzle & charm

"Stars were made to suffer, and I am a star."-Jayne Mansfield


Gwen Stefani actually looks very like a young Mamie, in my eyes. I don't know if she'd have the acting skills to pull it off. She did make a pretty good Jean Harlow in her cameo in The Aviator though.
