Definitely a Screw Loose
I don't think Mamie is wired correctly.
She talks dirtier than most young men in their late teens/20's. That part is OK. It's actually a turnon that an elderly woman well into her 70's (who also happens to be superhot) can get down and dirty and flaunt it, show it and talk about it at her age. It would be great if she just stopped there.
But she has shown that she stoops low and is without values, morals, ethics or class. Evidence:
- She shows pictures with her son with topless women on both arms, and braggingly says, "Look at all those big t!ts with my happy son". I'd be interested in the moms' perspective on this. I don't imagine there's many moms lurking around on a mamievandoren forum, but what moms do you know that would do this.
- She feels compelled to tell the world that Tom Jones was near the back of the line when male size was handed out, and compelled to tell the world that Burt Reynolds was terrible in bed, ala quick draw mcgraw. You always run the risk that a woman may talk about her pillow time encounters with you (good or bad) with friends. Lord knows men talk about it. However, you don't expect pretty negative love encounters to be posted on the worldwide web for billions of people throughout the world to see. While this does make for amuzing reading, these guys never had an ill intent toward Mamie, and shouldn't be humiliated in front of the world this way.