We've all heard of Valentino, being mentioned in tv shows and other movies as being the be all and end all of male movie stars, I had never seen any of his films so last night I saw Blood And Sand and I must say that they hype, and the legend, is 100% warranted. I had never seen such incredible charisma, acting talent and sexual magnetism in a performer, ever. He was truly a God of Nitrate. Still pictures don't make him justice, he has to be seen in motion.
Have you seen more of his films? He was spectacular. He spoke 4 languages fluently, he was a professional dancer - tango!, he was a skilled mechanic, a professional landscaper, a skilled horseman, he loved to cook, and he was a gentleman.
I went through a Valentino phase a while back. I visited Falcon Lair. I think it's been torn down by now. The house he lived in with Natasha Rambova was leveled when they built the 101 Freeway in the 50's I think. I've visited his grave. It's indoors next to his friend's, June Mathis. It belonged to her and he was supposed to be there temporarily as she bought two; one for herself and one for her husband. I've been to his crypt many times and each time I've been there I've had other fans to talk to who are there visiting him as well. There are always fresh flowers on his grave. Once a crazy guy was taking everyone else's flowers away and tossed them into a corner so his was the only one, lol. I waited until he left and put the rest back.
Also, the crazy guy at his crypt was going on about how Natasha was such bad news. I don’t think that was true. I’ve read the Dark Lover bio. Apparently Natasha was the one with the business sense and she protected naive Rudy from the greedy studio bosses. When he was given a contract by Ritz/ Carlton Pictures, it contained a clause that barred Natasha from being in on his business meetings and even the lot when he was shooting. He signed it and she left him. That broke his heart and I believe led to his downfall. He stopped taking care of himself and drank heavily every night, and died from a perforated ulcer at 31. So sad.
There is an interesting series on YouTube about Natasha and Rudy. It is hosted by an Italian guy and American woman I will post the link. Rudolph was part French on his maternal side. His dad studied veterinary medicine and was a dentist.
I get you. I started becoming obsessed with him through American Horror Story if you can believe it! I watched The Sheik and was mesmerized, I then followed it up with every film of his I could find and bought The Sheik book to read! I read Dark Lover and I'm looking for Baltasar Cue's book on him called The True Rudolph Valentino.