MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump is your new king.......

Trump is your new king.......

According to himself.


All the predictions about Trump destroying democracy are unfolding within weeks of his term.
Here’s the visual proof, posted not by Democrats but by his own administration.


LOL, tone down the fear mongering and stay in your lane. After what you people put us through the past 4 years with those two fuckers, Brandon and Kamala you have no room to complain about anything.


@KingBob......I did not vote for Biden, am not on board with liberal platforms with one exception. I am pro choice and have been for over 50 years. I did not really pay attention to what Biden was doing during his administration. All I know is my daily life was not impacted or changed in any way, shape or form. I did not fear for my safety during Biden's administration. In just over 4 weeks, Trump has created chaos and I am not a proponent of 99% of what he has done so far. I fear Trump has no clue what he is doing.

The man thinks of himself as King and said "Long live the King" about himself. YIKES!!!!


No concept, no humor, lost with nothing but their creepy TDS 😂🤣



Am i European and liked DT's stance on crime and illegals.

Turns out DT is insane and has turned the entire free world against both himself and america as a country..


Turns out you're a lying commie concern troll stfu loser


lol so you weren’t paying attention? Then that means you don’t know what youre talking about (why am I not surprised?)

And what chaos has Trump caused? The left melting down and behaving like terrorists is not on Trump


Are morons like you really mad that he ended this disgusting hustle named "congestion pricing"?


I thought it was fake, but I guess it is not.

It is from the official white house account.

Without the image I would have wondered if he was talking about King Charles III.




Any man who says "I am the king" is no true king.


Then how does a true king identify himself? 🤔


It was a Game of Thrones reference. Imagine Trump is Joffery.



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