MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Is Donald Trump the Anti-Christ?

Is Donald Trump the Anti-Christ?

I saw that one of the heads of the beast seemed wounded beyond recovery β€” but the fatal wound was healed! The whole world marveled at this miracle and gave allegiance to the beast.

Revelation 13:3


Sure, why not. Christians have claimed that many previous leaders were the antichrist for centuries. Maybe they will be right this time. 🀣


I mean the head wound. Trump was shot in the head. It seemed for a minute that Trump was dead. And then he rose like Jesus! And then after the assassination attempt, the religious right claimed he was saved by god for a mission.

And the Anti-Christ will dupe the Christians and they'll follow him. But the Christians are definitely not saying Trump is the Anti-Christ. He's a god to them. Fits scripture perfectly.


Not quite the Anti-Christ, but he is a low-life grifter and con man of the highest order. Not sure if that was what you were trying to say, but this is my opinion. Always has been and always will be.


That's because you're a dyed in the wool, fringe kook leftist with your head so buried in the sand, that no amount of excavating can ever dig it out.


Well, if Trump is the Anti-Christ that makes him awesome. 🀣 I'm a bit tongue-in-cheek here. But if you know anything about Bible prophecy, they say the Anti-Christ is wounded in the head and survives. The Christians worship him. The left says he is the Devil himself.


The Bible says he would miraculously survive a mortal wound. His wound was nowhere near mortal.


Revelation 13:3 says it appeared to be a mortal wound. It wasn't or he'd be dead.

A shot to the head certainly appears mortal, does it not? Trump narrowly avoided death. He fits the narrative perfectly.




Dude, I'm following the word of the Bible to the letter. And I know of no other powerful modern world leader who has survived a head wound. Whether you like it or not, Trump fits the description.


No such thing or entity as an anti Christ.


Okay, eye roll. This is all theoretical. Trump does fit the Biblical narrative.


Well the only people who hate him enough to believe that would be the braindead CπŸ’™LT and they pretend to not believe in religion so they’d never admit it.

He’s the anti rainbow clump of cells on the pale blue dot.


Trump isn't anti-gay. He's always been socially liberal even if his court nominations
are Neanderthal. But he needs the religious right in the South, so that's just pragmatism.

He is calling this transgender bullshit out as a scam. And most the rainbow don't like this trans crap either.


One thing is for certain, the world does marvel at everything Trump does. Especially the left. They just can't stop talking about this guy.


I know the OP is playing 'Devils advocate' here (pun intended)
But any that would seriously say such are (ironically) those same degenerates that have clearly gone against the Bible (let alone basic science) to justify their own perversions (many of which Trump is on record as being against)

Now they've lost faith in Biden, Harris and (a rigged, politicized) judicial system...are now turning to a book (and it's teachings) to attack Trump.

If Trump is the antichist...then what on earth does that make Hillary, Biden, etc?


Okay. Can you tell me which part of Revelation 13:3 doesn't fit Trump?

I don't know if he is the Anti-Christ, but the verse fits.
