Mental illness with the left was brought in heavily with the Obamas. And then social media encourages it by making it cool to have mental illnesses. So now you have all these left wingers on there bragging about how they have this syndrome and that syndrome, whining because they can’t find a man.
We have the public education abortion that encourages mental illness by not teaching people that you don’t always get your way. They teach participation trophies instead of working hard and achieving success which generates self-confidence.
The mental health industry is made up of the mentally ill. Their mentally illness drives them to pursue psychology degrees because they want to fix themselves.
The psychology industry does nothing but create narcissists because all you do is sit around and think about yourself the whole time. Put yourself ahead of everybody else in your life, yeah that always works well. No one‘s happiness ever came from focusing on themselves. It’s simply not possible. It’s one of the great ironies in life. It’s why being a parent makes people much happier than being a single miserable self-absorbed narcissist.
The Democratic Party voting base Is a mentally ill cult. We’ve discussed this many times about how their beliefs changed by the week. They have no core values. They believe whatever they’re told to believe.