MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Why does Trump act like the apocalypse i...

Why does Trump act like the apocalypse is happening when he bashes his opponents?

Sure, it's typical as a presidential candidate to make his opponents and their ways look less ideal than him. But have you seen how he phrases it and puts it in all caps on his social media posts? Like why is he acting like everyone is going to die and that everyone needs to save the world ASAP? That would mean that the government would have no resources or anyone to control if that even somehow happened.


That's because he's an Israel puppet, and orthodox Jews are massive doomsday prophets. I mean, they seriously believe that if they can rebuild their holy temple in Jerusalem that their moshiach (hebrew messiah) will return and every non-Jew will be enslaved by the chosen ones (Jews). Trump and his fans, of course, are too slow brained to understand the implications of that.
