

"When I’m president, we will DEPORT the foreign jihad sympathizers and Hamas supporters. If you hate America, if you want to eliminate Israel, then we don’t want you in our country."

Donald Trump threatened US Universities:

"Colleges will end the anti-Semitic propaganda, or they will lose their accreditation and every single last penny of federal support"

Trump says he’s disappointed that the Israel and Jewish lobby isn’t as powerful now as it was 15 years ago.

I'm literally not kidding.

“15 years ago, if you said anything bad about Israel or the Jewish people, you were finished as a politician — the most powerful lobby in this country by far, was Israel and Jewish people.

Today it's almost like, what happened?

Schumer's like a Palestinian.

*crowd laughs and applauds*”

So he acknowledges that Jewish-Zionists control elections, but sees it as a positive thing?

Donald Trump says that israel looks so tiny in the map compared to the other countries in the Middle East. He also wonders if there’s a way to make israel bigger.

Trump is at a stop antisemitism rally with Adelson

Adlelosn is a dual citizen of Israel who just gave Trump $100 million

Jonathan Pollard was the worst spy in US history

When Pollard was released from prison Alderson picked him up in his private jet and flew him to Israel where he received a hero welcome

This isn't someone with dual loyalty this is someone who has full loyalty to Israel and none to America



He sure loves the Jews! They are his biggest donors.


1. Cracking down on lefty anti-American universities is a GREAT IDEA.

2. Deporting anti-American ragheads is beyond a great idea. it is insane that we let those idiots in this county in the first place.


Maybe they wouldnt be anti-american if your kind stopped going to their countries and forcing them on the rest of us.


Yeah, because muslims were never shitty to outsiders or non-believers until AMERICA made them that way.

LOL. i think not. Everything is not our fault, and your desire for it to be that way is weird.


Yet you all ran out of the paradise of Europe to live in filth with them. What does that say about God's chosen?


So, to be clear, you are dropping the line of argument that it is AMERICA'S fault that the muslims are shitty to outsiders and non-believers,

OR, are you just sidelining it, because you have nothing to defend it with, because I'm clearly right that your claim was absurd, BUT, you plan to circle back to it later, becausue it sounds good if you don't think about it for even a second AND you have been brainwashed to be an anti-American drone?


As if you care about this country Shlomo. Spare us your third world tribalism.


So, that was your plan then, you couldn't defend your silly blame America first point, so you were just going to pivot away from that, and come back to it later.

So what is your real reason for giving the muslims a pass on their shit behavior and wanting to allow them into our country?

I mean you seem to know that they are a shitty culture, so why do you want them here?


RFK jr should promise to deport the Jews. He would take voters from both parties!


Trump has never broken any laws for Israel/Jews.

Israel also has a Deep State just as we have here in the USA.

Tell me again who owns/controls the same media that constantly demonizes and vilifies Trump on a daily basis?

Trump’s comments about Israel are for "optics" just as they were about the (Deep State vaccine); others like you have zero discernment so you wouldn’t understand and it is futile trying to explain it.

Trump cannot be anywhere near the consequences that are yet to fall on Israel/Bibi when the time comes.


