"When I’m president, we will DEPORT the foreign jihad sympathizers and Hamas supporters. If you hate America, if you want to eliminate Israel, then we don’t want you in our country."
Donald Trump threatened US Universities:
"Colleges will end the anti-Semitic propaganda, or they will lose their accreditation and every single last penny of federal support"
Trump says he’s disappointed that the Israel and Jewish lobby isn’t as powerful now as it was 15 years ago.
I'm literally not kidding.
“15 years ago, if you said anything bad about Israel or the Jewish people, you were finished as a politician — the most powerful lobby in this country by far, was Israel and Jewish people.
Today it's almost like, what happened?
Schumer's like a Palestinian.
*crowd laughs and applauds*”
So he acknowledges that Jewish-Zionists control elections, but sees it as a positive thing?
Donald Trump says that israel looks so tiny in the map compared to the other countries in the Middle East. He also wonders if there’s a way to make israel bigger.
Trump is at a stop antisemitism rally with Adelson
Adlelosn is a dual citizen of Israel who just gave Trump $100 million
Jonathan Pollard was the worst spy in US history
When Pollard was released from prison Alderson picked him up in his private jet and flew him to Israel where he received a hero welcome
This isn't someone with dual loyalty this is someone who has full loyalty to Israel and none to America