MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Ever notice that Trump NEVER says anythi...

Ever notice that Trump NEVER says anything good about the US?

All he does is keep denigrating who we are, where we are, what we are. Other leaders of this country have always pointed to our strengths and tried to unite us behind those strengths. Trump does not do that. He tries to divide us as portraying us as weak and pitting us against each other. He runs on fear and anger.

The US is not weak. We have the strongest economy in the world. 23 Trillion to Russia's 1.3 trillion. We are strong now and not nearly as divided as Trump makes the US out to be. There is no need to "make America great again" because America already IS great.


I take it you don't listen to his speeches


That's exactly the opposite of what he says.


How come all his cult worshipers keep claiming that they are living in a banana republic, dictatorship, some sort of communist nightmare (because it tries to ensure access to healthcare for everyone)?

Are you saying that Trump and his supporters have opposing views of how good their country is?


He says the country is good but IS being corrupted, what is the contradiction?


How can the country be good if it's a communist banana republic dictatorship?


It become a banana republic in the 2020 elections, but the political part of a country isn't all the country. When Trump talks good about USA he means the people, the culture, etc. I am not even saying I agree with him, but that's what he says.

Obviously you are malicious and you don't wanna understand this.


Oh. Are you alright sweetpea? Was I rude not to accept your convoluted back tracking and obfuscation? I really am nasty aren't I?

Once again though, we have cult followers who are keen to point out that Donnie actually never says or does anything ever. And when his followers say something that doesn't gel with what we're supposed to think Donnie says or did, we're supposed to appreciate some cockamamie temporal anomaly that makes his words false today but true in the past and in the future.


What is exactly the contradiction?


His campaign is built on gloom and doom and fear mongering.Oh, and bragging and put downs
Thats all he’s got….


Maybe you shouldn't read only the quotes published in your bubble?
