MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Not a bullet wound?

If Trump was shot in the ear by a .223 or a 5.56 round his ear would have been destroyed. I've received bigger boo-boos when I scraped my elbow when I was a kid and I fell of my bicycle. I didn't cry about it. Trump is a pansy.


He’s not being honest, and btw where’s the medical report on his ear?


Maybe time to check with "Dr. Ronny Johnson" or maybe Dr. Ronny Jackson or maybe. . . .


But Donnie would never lie, would he?


You know nothing about ballistics and gunshot wounds. It depends on where and at what angle the bullet hit his ear. It just clipped the edge of the ear, which would not have "destroyed" it.

Comparing scraping your elbow to having a murderer's bullet miss your skull by a fraction of an inch is moronic. And Trump didn't cry.


Sarah Huckabee cannot leave her house without being mistaken for a feral pig and being shot at by feral pig hunters. You never hear Sarah whining like Donnie does about that little scratch he got.


“It's a tremendous bullet wound. Really tremendous. Unbelievably tremendous.
But we're doing a lot. A lot of bullet wounds. Tremendous bullet wounds. And we're doing bullet wounds quickly. Really quickly. It's going to be great. Really great bullet wounds. Believe me.”


IO heard there's never been a bullet wound like it in the history of the Presidency, maybe the history of the world!


"A YUGE bullet wound! Doctor 'Ronny Johnson' said it's a bullet wound like nobody has ever seen before! A really tremendous bullet wound! And I aced my cognitive test! I aced it like nobody's ever seen before! Doctor 'Ronny Johnson' said he's never seen anyone with a tremendous bullet wound ace a cognitive exam like that before! Really tremendous!"
