MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Guy already was president

Guy already was president

Nothing noteworthy policy wise happened (few exceptions), fired a bunch of staff members, kept campaigning throughout his term (idiotic), no Hitler stuff etc. In four years he's gone. What's all the fuss about?


It’s a good question really.

He loves America. He’s a political moderate and successful businessman with a long track record of having friends on both sides of the political aisle. He started no wars. He enslaved no one. The economy did extremely well under his Presidency.

You know what the problem is? He stands in the way of the Democratic Party increasing its power.


The should have allowed him to finish off his second term instead of rigging the election.
Now, they're going to weep and scream for another 4.5 years.


Short answer: he doesn't obey the Deep State, AKA the World economic forum.


Gasoline, groceries, and everything else was significantly less expensive, we were energy-independent, and there was a real effort being made to control the border. No Hitler stuff, no Handmaid's Tale concentration camps for women. Up until the Kung-flu hysteria hit in the spring of '20, it was the best of times. If we're smart, we'll vote ourselves four more years of that.


When Trump isn’t able to restore his previous grocery and gas prices, because to do so would mean a deflationary period, which would be a disaster for our economy, will you then recant this idiot talking point? Inflation is real. A 2 to 3% inflation rate is considered a healthy economy, which is where it is right now. Inflation occurred, prices went up, this is not a real talking point.


Imagine a Supreme Court four years from now going forward with six Trump picks on it. Hard pass.
