MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Leaked photo of shooter. NSFW Bloody.

Leaked photo of shooter. NSFW Bloody.

WARNING Do NOT click if you are easily nauseated or triggered by blood. Image depicts long-haired freaky Leftist and poor marksman, 25-35, white, assumed male, dead with bloody face being turned over by LEOs.



And you got your info from where exactly?


It wasn’t a democrat.
It wasn’t an illegal immigrant.
It wasn’t an LGBTQ person.
It wasn’t an African American.
It wasn’t anyone he said is poisoning the blood of Americans.
He was white young and a registered republican



Well, we do have evil nut jobs on all sides, don’t we? To be truthful it would have been easier to swallow if it had been an evil Leftist. But, gloating about it doesn’t help the situation, does it. If you think about it, with all the assassinations we’ve had over the last 60 plus years have been perpetrated by people you would think not. Killers or attempted killers supposedly akin to the thinking of their victims…or so we thought.


The 20 year old guy Matthew Crooks named by the FBI is apparently not the shooter. He posted a clip denying it and he is very much alive. The shooter was an Antifa named Maxwell Yearick.


OMG how do you live in real world? I understand that trumpists live in their own echo chamber. And it's not in your twitter feed. But you have to come out to real world, honey.

It was explained 5-6 hours ago that some guy who looks like shooter decided to troll everyone and put his own picture on the internet. And everyone bought and started reposting his picture along with real shooter. Then he recorded that video. Then got scared and deleted video and made account private.

Trumpists on twitter and insta also started posting pictures of some italian guy claiming it's him. He wants to sue.

Basically trumpists just like their russian masters - now flood Internet with fake theories and shooters, thinking their audience is too stupid and will eat up everything. Again proving it was staged.


Look for yourself. BTW, the picture of Crooks is from a video of him TELLING US WE HAVE THE WRONG GUY.


Honey I don't know how else to explain it to you. Guy on the right is not crooks. It's just some attention seeker who looks slightly like picture of Crooks and he trolled everyone and put his own picture on the Internet. Then recorded that video. Then went to hiding. Hope FBI will be after him.

Real Crooks is dead. He was the shooter. And he was republican.

I won't even comment on that left picture nonsense. I almost feel sorry for you. Now you and other naive magas will be bombarded by fake news from your own maga bloggers to move away from that fact that it was republican who attacked Trump. So they will create 100 fake theories for you.


You won't comment because you cannot explain it. The corpse is instantly identifiable as the man on the left and looks nothing like any photo of Crooks.

And btw, why would a "republican" donate to Project Blue? He may have been registered as a republican, but he certainly didn't hold those views. Anyone can register for whatever party they choose, and often do so to attempt to influence intra-party elections.


Sure Jen. And Earth is flat.


I just woke up this morning only to face ???? All day yesterday it was a Leftist Antifa shooter. Then the so called photo of the shooter was posted. Before I drifted off at around 4 this morning it was settled, or so I thought. I had done MY OWN research and found where the FBI named the shooter along with stating he was a registered Republican. I took my lumps over him being a registered Republican & continued to believe the posted photo was of him. Well, that’s it so I closed my iPad and eventually drifted off.

I texted my daughter before drinking my coffee. “He was a DAMN Republican! Chit! Chit! Chit!”

So where are we now? “The truth is still out there, Scully!”


Who's Jen?

Why do you think it's out of the question that a Leftist would register as Republican in order to skew votes in the primaries? Why are you so naive?


Sure, Jen


Um. The video said Jan. It's from the old TV show, The Brady Bunch.


Maybe you should've done your research before cackling like Kamala... he donated to progressive causes so this was clearly a smokescreen, or he was just registering under his parents' party in order to vote at all since he was still a dumb fucking kid.

So nope


I just read this. Being registered as a Democrat, Republican, Independent, etc. doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. All of my family were registered as Democrats, big Love That Union bit. Yellow dog Democrats. When I reached the age to vote, 21 back then, I didn’t know a thing about politics so I registered as a Democrat. My first vote was for a Democrat who didn’t win. I didn’t vote in primaries, I wasn’t aware of the “platforms” espoused to by each party.

Four years later I was a bit more savvy to the workings of each party. Still a registered Democrat I voted Republican. I continued to not vote in primaries. Ignorant me! By the next four years I changed my party affiliation and voted a straight Republican ballot.

”When Crooks was 17 he made a $15 donation to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for left-leaning and Democratic politicians, according to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing. The donation was earmarked for the Progressive Turnout Project, a national group that rallies Democrats to vote. The groups did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.”


Yeah, he's definitely dead. No faking that 🤔

"Records show that he made a $15 donation to Progressive Turnout Project, a Chicago-based political action committee that supports Democrat candidates for public office and claims to advocate for "key Democratic constituencies: young people, minorities and low-income people."

That pretty much says it all right there 🤔


What if a sniper sees this post . Is this still NSFW ?


I once found a guy who had shot himself in the head with a .32 magnum revolver, then I stayed after the coroner carted the body away to clean up the room. A lot of blood hemorrhaging happens when a hole gets violently poked through the skull.


Omg, I'm sorry you had to see that. 😔
