What is the difference between what Biden did with the documents and what Trump did with his?
The special counsel made it clear that there were stark differences between his case and Donald Trump. That doesn't mean that what Biden did wasn't wrong, it was. They just didn't have proof that he held on to those documents WILLFULLY, and that evidence is what you need to convince a jury to prosecute.
The main difference here is that, when former President Trump was asked to return these documents by the National Archives several times, he declined.
It was demanded. He again declined. He was told that he was unlawfully retaining classified information and documents. He again declined. And it took a raid of Mar-a-Lago to excavate those documents and bring them back into government custody.
By contrast, when President Biden was notified that he may have retained classified documents, and, in fact, it was his own staff that discovered the possibility that there may have been retained documents initially at his office at the University of Pennsylvania, they disclosed that to the government directly, and then he fully cooperated.
He sat for a five-hour interview. He opened up his homes for searches. He turned everything over that he had. So that was a very different response. And it suggests that he didn't mean to be intending to be holding this classified information.