MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Robert F Kennedy Jr for presidentđź‘Ť



Why isn’t the Democrat party allowing him to run in their primaries?

This post belongs under RFKjr


No it belongs right here to remind voters there's an alternative to con man Trump.


The establishment and the MSM is conning you and you fell for it.


Well then why isn’t it in Biden’s section?


It is, you just didn't notice.


Oh ok, bravo!

RFKjr has some good stances on certain issues. Hopefully he’ll join the Trump team again.

The US govt needs massive reform. Along with the public education abortion, and Democrat media. It’s going to take a team of individuals, whose power and wealth came from outside the corrupt political system. People who put country ahead of their life long political careers. People who are persuasive and are willing to think outside the box.

Trump. Gabbard. Musk. RFKjr. Rogan. Rubin.

Term limits ending career politicians. The CIA and FBI being completely dismantled. The US military having their house cleaned of current tranny leadership. It’s going to take a revolution to turn the country around.

We have 50 years of communist infiltration of the Democrat party/media/education/entertainment, to deal with.


Interesting take. The only things I agree with Trump on is a secure border & getting tough on China.


No thanks.
