At a campaign event in New Hampshire, Trump vowed to “root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.”
Shades of Hitler and Mussolini, using the same language as them, calling anyone who opposes them as vermin.
If Trump is re-elected in 2024, we can all kiss democracy goodbye.
1st of all, take your Hitler comparisons and stick them up your Gen Z asshole and 2nd, Hitler killed Millions of people including Jews and Americans you fucking asshole!! Tell me where the comparison is to Donald Trump you triggered fucking liberal piece of shit?? Well?? I'm waiting?? Here: From Wikipedia since they don't teach Gen Z History anymore in favor of Socialism/Marxism 101: The 2023-2024 Edition:
Death toll
Main article: Holocaust victims
Around six million Jews were killed.[390] Most of those killed were from Eastern Europe, and half were from Poland alone.[391][392] Around 1.3 million Jews who had once lived under Nazi rule or in one of Germany's allies survived the war.[390] One-third of the Jewish population worldwide, and two-thirds of European Jews, had been wiped out.[393] Death rates varied widely due to a variety of factors and approached 100 percent in some areas.[394] Some reasons why survival chances varied was the availability of emigration[395] and protection from Germany's allies—which saved around 600,000 Jews.[396] Jewish children and the elderly faced even lower survival rates than adults.[397]
The deadliest phase of the Holocaust was Operation Reinhard, which was marked by the introduction of extermination camps. Roughly two million Jews were killed from March 1942 to November 1943. Around 1.47 million Jews were murdered in just 100 days from July to October 1942, a rate approximately 83% higher than the commonly suggested figure for the Rwandan genocide.[398]
Separate Nazi persecutions killed a similar or larger number of non-Jewish civilians and POWs; estimated by Gerlach at 6 to 8 million, at more than 10 million by Gilbert[399] and at over 11 million by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.[400] In some countries, such as Hungary, Jews were a majority of civilians