MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > New York judge lifts Trump gag order in ...

New York judge lifts Trump gag order in civil fraud trial over free speech concerns

This Judge Engoran is as crooked as they come along with the amateur prosecutor in Leticia James.. She should go back to working at Popeyes if this is how she approaches the Law.. Either way, this case gets tossed soon just based on this sort of stunt the Left are trying to pull on this man..

"Judge Arthur Engoron has just been overturned (stayed!) by the New York State Appellate Division (Appeals Court), for the 4th TIME (on the same case!). His Ridiculous and Unconstitutional Gag Order, not allowing me to defend myself against him and his politically biased and out of control, Trump Hating Clerk, who is sinking him and his Court to new levels of LOW, is a disgrace," he wrote."

I mean, he's not wrong folks.. This trial is clearly not about how Trump runs his businesses but more about doing everything they can to keep him out in 2024 from kicking Biden's old ass to the curb and restoring some fucking sanity left in the United States of America over the United States of China like Biden wants


A good day for Trump... It's about time 😊❤


I mean, you'd have to be a moron to not see this trial isn't even about how he runs his businesses or the evaluation of his resort and why?? Because prior to 2015 when Trump announced he was running for President, that no one cared how this man took care of business until he became President and threw a monkey wrench in on the Left's plans beginning with Hillary Clinton and it's true.. This man was loved by the Left because he donated to the Democrat Party for like EVER, but all of a sudden, the moment he runs for the Republican side, the Left can't handle it and loses their minds over it.. I have never seen anyone in 1 man get this many people worked up then Donald Trump.. It's unreal


Poor baby... Is that judge being mean to your orange master? Here, have a box of tissue. Better?

Trump is facing 91 felony charges mostly for being a traitor and Judge Engoron is the least of his problems.

You really should pick your heroes more carefully because Trump is through.


Yeah?? Well everyone has seen right through your schtick and it's old.. Trump's your new Daddy in 2024, so strap in


Are you really so stupid and gullible that you support Trump no matter what? You are a veteran and it doesn't bother you that Trump called fallen service members losers and suckers? How about when Trump saluted a North Korean general. How embarrassing! You are in a cult and I hope one day you realize that and get help. There is something very wrong with people who worship Trump as you do.


And there's something terribly wrong with people who would vote for Biden again, so now what??
