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Black Voters Say They're Turning Away From Weak Biden In 2024

Wow, you don't often hear that nor see that since the Black Community have been programmed to vote Democrat forever..

"A New York Times/Siena College poll this month raised alarm bells for Democrats after it found Trump had reached an unprecedented level of support from Black voters in battleground states that President Biden won in 2020. Black voters in Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are now registering 22 percent support for Trump, up from eight percent in 2020."

TRUMP 2024


That poll has been widely debunked.


Whenever a Poll doesn't support your Liberal Narrative, all of a sudden, the Poll has been widely debunked.. Get used to the fact that the black community are finally seeing the Democrat Party for what they are and it's time for a change perhaps and they can identify with Trump better than Old Joe who claims "You're not black if you vote for Trump" like he said on Charlamagne The God's show


all sane people are voting for Trump


Gee I wonder if the summer of 2024 will have another “George Floyd”

That’s as predictable as Biden shitting himself everyday.


You guys did this before. you think we got dementia? remmeber when you guys pushed Blexit?


Of course they are, and they are right about what they are saying about Biden.


Lol not a damned chance. Black people in general don't vote republican, but they especially hate Trump, so I don't see that combination translating into huge numbers in the voting booth.


Nevertheless; Biden lost supporters and Trump gained supporters.


Biden never had supporters, he just had acceptors, as he was and still is acceptable alternative to an extremely repugnant GOP candidate. And nothing Trump has done in the subsequent three years has made himself less repugnant to the electorate that's already rejected him twice.


Supporters, acceptors, tolerates, shills, bootlickers, ass-kissers, etc; doesn't matter how you label them, facts are facts.

the electorate that's already rejected him twice

You are also referring to the uniparty establishment and DS that you support/simp for.
