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Prosecutor Jack Smith Finds Himself On Shaky Ground In Donald Trump Trial

LOL!!!! This whole thing is so obviously for Optics along with trying to keep him from campaigning and Running in 2024 and beating Biden and he will too.. No matter what they do to this man, the Supreme Court will overturn a large majority of it cause the Leticia James and the Judge himself have made it personal with Trump and you can't do that because it does make him look very Bias and he should've recused himself, but didn't..


The sad reality is the GOP held Congress can defund Jack Smith at any time, why they are dragging this on is maybe they are hoping anyone besides Trump becomes the nominee. They are hoping the indictments will hurt Trump but it's not working, his poll numbers are increasing so it's time for the GOP to see the writing on the wall and end these phony investigations by defunding them..


The American people are tired of the establishment. Even half of Democrats are sick of it.


You seem a tad confused. Leticia James is the NY AG and the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction there.
