MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > New poll shows tRump numbers tanking

New poll shows tRump numbers tanking

Biden up by 5


New PPP polls in the key states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin- where wins for Joe Biden next year would be enough to get him to 270 electoral votes- find him leading Donald Trump by 3 or 4 points in each of them.


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Your statement in a standard 12 point font is false. But now that it's big and bold and fancy ... nope still false. Sorry!


its true, its true. I heard Trump won. lol


I say this as a Biden voter, but I wouldn't put much stock in polls taking place this far ahead of the general election. Way too much can change between now and then (and that goes for the folks who are going on about Trump being ahead in polls too). It seems to be all but a foregone conclusion that Trump will once again be the Republican nominee but as for Trump vs Biden, it's going to a long and ugly 2024!


New poll shows tRump numbers tanking
posted a year ago by xanthas (3215)
5 replies | jump to latest

Biden up by 5";

New Poll shows this thread has aged like shit and new Poll shows Trump's done more in his 1st 100 Hours of turning America around for the better than Biden has done in 4 Years!!


haha, I love these old posts. Trump is a machine. that dude is always working.
