MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > How The Religious Right Ruined Everythin...

How The Religious Right Ruined Everything

This explains a lot about how Trump became so popular with them and Christian Nationalists, and the January 6th insurrection, all because a bunch of religious people constantly feel persecuted that they can't get what they want: control of the USA.


Christians like pretending they love Jesus, but they hate Him and everything He stood for.

Jesus was a SOCIALIST, fuqers!

But they USE Him for other stuff.. justifying their greed, superior grandiosity, and bigotry.


Sounds fucking retarded.

In the real world, religious right leaning people are the people that.... ARE THIS COUNTRY, and have been until about 5 minutes ago.

Anyone that hates them, hates everything that America is, and every was.


I'm an atheist. Would I be considered a heretic in your paradise?

If so, then you'd have to say the same for a lot of the Founding Fathers, most of whom were NOT CHRISTIAN.


1. You are welcome to be whatever you want.

2. My point stands. Hating the religious right is hating everything that was/is America until 5 minutes ago.

3. Mm, yeah, that's retarded bullshit (re founding fathers)


Without even watching it I can already tell you it's more Blueanon schizo conspiracy nonsense form our resident totally not interested in US politics Trump deranged mongoloid AMJF.
