General post about the indictments
Thought this post was applicable to a lot of you resident TDSers so thought I would copy and paste to it's own thread for you all.
Aww how upset are you all that your communist smears are failing? The mugshot isn't making MAGA stop? Did you think you could just arrest him and it will all go away?share
The country is in a burning dumpster because you absolute degenerates set fire to that dumpster while cheering like the dumpster fire started by Joesph Rosenbaum in Kenosha, and exactly like Kenosha the man trying to stop the fire is being attacked by your mongoloid footsoldiers for doing it! Well the parallels with Rittenhouse and Kenosha do not end there, do you remember the Rittenhouse trial?
Think back to it, do you remember how certain you all were that Kyle was guilty of murder and was going to jail? Really think back to that certainty and all the smugness you felt over it.
Do you remember how wrong you all were?
Think back to that certainty you felt again.
How certain do you feel right now about these bullshit indictments being the end of Trump?