How about it?? : Do you honest to God, truly believe Joe Biden got 81 Million votes, more than Obama even while sitting in his home for 9 months and couldn't draw a 100 people to a Rally much less flies and you really believe this?? If you do, I've got a bridge to sell you.. It should be noted that after the 2020 Election, a Poll was taken and asked whether the American People believe Biden won that Election fair & square and 71% stated No.. Just like Covid, the fix was in and was designed to do 1 thing and 1 thing only and that was remove Trump from Office.. I'm not vaccinated and refused it and still do and I turned out just fine and knowing this after the CDC & Biden said I'd be on a ventilator if I didn't, then how do you explain this and I'm 57 too?? I workout daily, eat right, drink plenty of Vitamin C & D and generally feel great.. Shouldn't I be dead if I listen to Biden and Fauci??
Hell F'N no. COVID and the 2020 elections were scripted worse than a WWE wrestling event. The only way the libs could win was stage a plandemic, incite riots, and cheat by mail.
Uh, no. You sound just like a typical crazy-ass Qnon conspiracy nutcase who's been watching too much damn Qnon bull**** online. Get fckg real---nobody "staged" a damn thing. There was a real damn pandemic, which trump did nothing about until it has already been here two weeks, and then he only started to take it seriously when the value of his Wall Street stock began to drop after everything was forced to shut down. And even then he still didn't take it seriously enough to tell anybody to protect themselves against Covid----he actually pushed this fake liquid bleach bull**** claiming that it would cure Covid, which was just another fckg scam he was trying to run. Thank goodness Dr. Fauci came on the scene and tried to guide everyone through the pandemic as best he could. Because trump's dumb ass damn sure wasn't any help. The states that had enough sense to shut down due to Covid did so without waiting for him to tell them anything.
All trump gave a damn about was running for the election. He didn't give a damn how many people got infected and sick from going to his stupid rallies, because all he cared about was running again.
That about sums it up for me too!! I fear the 2024 Election won't be any different since the Dems are already mentioning another variant of Covid just in time for it.. Only problem this time is I think alot of people are going to be wise to this and not fall for it again.. In the end, I am so happy I stuck my ground on refusing the Covid vaccine(s) because they simply don't work.. Natural Immunity and simply taking better care of yourself will always be what's best for you in the end..
Same. I'm only hoping people won't be stupid this time around.
As someone that has worked in the healthcare industry, I have stopped taking vaccines in 2006. I refuse a lot of western medicine because I feel it does more harm than good and I don't trust the healthcare industry in general.
Yeah if people stopped being unhealthy and overweight fat asses, this world would be a better place. Because of these people and their incompetence, we're the ones that have to suffer whenever Covid hits.
Same. I'm only hoping people won't be stupid this time around.
As someone that has worked in the healthcare industry, I have stopped taking vaccines in 2006. I refuse a lot of western medicine because I feel it does more harm than good and I don't trust the healthcare industry in general.
Yeah if people stopped being unhealthy and overweight fat asses, this world would be a better place. Because of these people and their incompetence, we're the ones that have to suffer whenever Covid hits.
Do you know how completely fckg ignorant you sound? The Covid virus didn't give a damn whether you were fat or skinny---you either somehow managed to survive it before the vaccines came out, or it was going to kill you, period. You sound just like a complete damn nutcase who actually thinks another crazy fckg nutcase like trump actually gives a damn about anybody. Wake the hell up, pull your head out of his a**, and realize that he has never given a damn about anybody but himself, period. He sure as hell dosen't give a fck about you, unless he can scam you out of some money. And people get sick no matter what size they are. With all the bull**** you're talking, I seriously doubt if you were ever in the healthcare industry talking the paranoid bull**** you're talking. You're just another stupid magahead who needs your head examined because you're had it stuck up trump's big fat sagging a** for too damn long. No wonder you can't think straight, or think at all.
According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.
Well the Documentary "2000 Mules" pretty much solidifies fraud in the 2020 Election by the amount of ballot stuffers going from ballot box to ballot box in the middle of the night while sporting latex gloves and looking around all suspicious hoping they didn't get caught..
Yes.. As a matter of fact, I want to know a little bit more about the server the U.S Army acquired in Germany at the time that showed Trump won in a landslide, but suddenly disappeared shortly after the 2020 Election??
What about that server? Back up your claims, Goober. Just include a link to a reliable news source about this mysterious server. It shouldn't be a problem for you, right?
He won mainly because many people were sick of Trump's self-absorbed ego, incompetence in handling covid, and his never-ending false claims, which turned many against him.
Not that it did much good since we now have an administration and senile puppet who's unable to clean up the mess Trump made efficiently and just create more problems.
"He won mainly because many people were sick of Trump's self-absorbed ego, incompetence in handling covid, and his never-ending false claims, which turned many against him."
EXACTLY! Trump lost me as a supporter when I realized he was such an ignorant narcissistic person; not to mention he is a habitual liar. Watching him on top of the White House steps,rip off his mask with such disgust was enough for me to realize I will never support Trump again.
Honestly, fools like you who love to bash Biden, but don't even bother to find out what he's actually gotten passed that will help the country get better, need to stfu because as usual, you don't know what the hell you're talking about---you never fckg do. Five seconds of searching shows exactly what Biden and his administration have been doing sine they're been in office:
And you know damn well Biden isn't senile----it's amazing how people keep repeating this tried-a** old bull**** about him being old and incapable of doing anything, when we had four years of a completely incompetent idiot like trump who didn't know how to do a damn thing without someone holding his hand and having to coddle his overgrown childish a**. In fact, this former Homeland Security chief of staff under trump has a new book out about his time there, and shows how there's no way in hell someone as incompetent as DJT should ever be in office again, because he was too damn incompetant as president:
A bunch of former W.H. staff who worked under trump have already said how damn stupid and incompetant he was while in office, and that he didn't know s*** about a damn thing. They also said that he never read anything, and spent more time getting agitated about things he saw on TV than anything else. They also said they had to babysit him since he acted like, and still does act like an overgrown spoiled rich boy who's never had to grow up and be held accountable for a damn thing---that's his sorry a** in a nutshell.
Plus he's getting too damn old to be running again. Funny how the repubs whine and complain about Biden being too old to be in office---which he is---but yet they completely ignore the fact that their cult leader trump just turned 77, and is only running because his dumb a** thinks it will keep him out of jail. Notice he didn't say he was going to run until six months after he got busted for hiding all those classified documents he took and deliberately lied about having. He won't show up at the debate with the other candidates because, let's be real here----he won't have s*** to say except to fckg go on whining about how everyone and the dems are supposedly out to get his sorry, delusional, demented lying a**. He won't discuss any issues that anyone cares about because all he cares about is his own damn issues---the ones his stupid a** created for himself.
TO: nufsaid........just want to let you know, you don't need to use all those ******. You can type all those bad words on this site. It is allowed. Just sayin'.
Lol you think Biden has done anything special for America just because Trump made himself look like a complete fool for 4 years? He's not the one coming up with the ideas. He's a submissive puppet who is just doing what they tell him to.
He's not getting more senile? He's been doing things like tripping and making odd and inconsistent statements regarding future plans in a routine manner. People talked about how Biden was a less than ideal choice for the Democratic nominee before the election, even against Trump.
Anyone old enough to watch an election live knows there was something fucky going on, it's only the dirty cheating communists and their zoomer useful idiots who claim it was legit.
Before election day in 2020, the American people were told that Trump would most certainly be in the lead when votes were being counted. We were also told that once the mail in ballots were counted, which would be during the night, Trump would lose his lead. That was predicted and turned out to be very true. To this day, Trump acts as though he doesn't understand that.
To this day, there has been no evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. Dominion sued their detractors and won the defamation suit. What more does it take for Trump supporters to realize Biden is our legitimate president. I'm not happy about that but it is what it is. Just as long as Trump is not running the show, I'm good.
What did you think about the way the fbi adn cia worked together with big tech and big media to keep relevant informatin from the US voters going into the election? you GOOD with that?
I was referring to laptop. So, do you support that. Oh, forgot to mention, the fbi and cia when they did that psy op agaisnt America, it was ALSO against the duly elected president, their supposed boss.
Both the chief national law enforcement agency and the chief intelligence agency going rogue.
Pretty cool huh? Or so you think, I suspsect. ME? I'm against government spies operating against the nation and president with tax payer dollars. But, you, I suspect support it, right?
You're missing the balls to address the question. Which i fully expected.
This shows that your whining about election is shit talk. YOu are completely comfortable with interferance in the election process, if it benefits your side.
"You're missing the balls to address the question. Which i fully expected"
I don't have balls. I'm female. LOL.
Just stop it with all the bull**** you probably got from watching fox news, which is not even a real news station---they're just a pro-republican entertainment station pretending to be a news station. None of the intelligence agencies went "rogue" against trump---that's just some more bull**** he's claimed to make himself look like the victim---like he always does when he knows damn well he's done something wrong. He's the one who did not want to co-operate with the investigation into the Russian interference into our election, and he's the one who demonized the hell out of and tried to get almost anyone he could get fired that was involved in the investigation. If he didn't have anything to hide, how come he didn't co-operate with it? His behavior shows that he did have something to hide---no innocent man would act the way he did. The fact that you still believe in the bull**** you just said, and the fact that you still believe anything a known pathological liar like trump says just goes to show how he's conned you into believing his bull****, like a cult leader usually does.
What did you think about the way the fbi adn cia worked together with big tech and big media to keep relevant information from the US voters going into the election? you GOOD with that?
Yup. All's fair in love and politics. BTW.......what ever happened with Hunter Biden's laptop? What became of that? What dirty dealings have been revealed from Hunter's laptop? Anything yet?
You’re ok with being manipulated like a chump? You do know that thay don’t give a shit about you right? They lie to your face and don’t care what the consequences will be for you. that’s how they see you. And you’re ok with that???? Wtf dude.
Exactly which dems were "anti-warp speed" when it came to the vaccines? Name one---you know you can't, lol. Oh, and the vaccine were never created at any "warp speed". In fact, scientists had already been working on such a vaccine since the SARS virus came out around 2003, so no, it was not created overnight either. Once again, trump didn't have jack to do with actually making the vaccine, so stop giving him credit for s*** he didn't do and never even did, which is what you magaheads always love to do, with your delusional a****.
You seem like a very pleasant person to converse with .
Seems like we are gonna end up at agreeing to dis-agree . Pasting links supporting our arguments. Id rather not get into that deeply with you.
Good luck with this way you approach some who saw things happen differently.
First of all, trump got voted out because, unlike you delusional magaheads, the whole country outside of your little right-wing bubble did not love him----in fact they could see how damn unstable and incapable he was of running anything, and that he was a complete fckg whackjob nutcase who wasn't even ready to deal with the realities of being president, because he had no fckg qualifications whatsoever for the position to begin with. Point being, you magaheads don't represent the whole country, who did not have their heads up stuck trump's a** like you and these other magaheads did. All this stupid nonsense you just said is nothing but a bunch of tired-a** conspiracy bull****. Like Chris Christie said, it's been three years since the last election, and no one has come forth with any actual proof that it was stolen from anybody. In other words, if there was any proof of that, someone would have come forward with it. The fact that nobody has just shows that idea was nothing but a bull**** lie and claim coming from trump's pathological lying a**. There was no "fix" in---your mistake was buying into trump's bull**** way too damn much.