Just admit defeat, Republicans. This guy is a scumbag. Find someone new to worship.
Trump is clearly a massive piece of shit. We have had dozens of unpopular presidents, including some that were technically rated lower than Trump in popularity polls. But you never saw Bush Jr, Johnson, Buchanan, Carter, etc have to turn themselves over to police.
It has nothing to do with a "greater conspiracy by the left" to keep Trump out of office. He is legitimately an awful person. If it weren't, I'm pretty sure the same greater conspiracy would've also targeted Bush Jr, and we would've seen his arrest too. The closest thing we ever got was Nixon's resignation and he still didn't get arrested for his involvement in Watergate. Harding was a literal mobster and that wasn't enough to get him arrested.
Just admit Trump was a bust and attach yourself to a new Republican candidate. There are dozens popping up. I'm curious to see how it all ends. Who do you think has the best shot?