MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Sorry MAGA, The Revolution Will Not Be T...

Sorry MAGA, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: DJT's Conviction in GA Will be Televised!!

You will not be able to stay home, MAGAs
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out
You will not be able to lose yourself on Meth and
Skip out for beer during commercials
Because the revolution will not be televised

The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be brought to you by Truth Social
In four parts without commercial interruptions
The revolution will not show you pictures of Donald Trump
Blowing a bugle and leading a charge by Jeff Sessions,
Lindsey Graham and Gym Jordan
To eat hog maws confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary

The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be brought to you by the
Schaefer Award Theatre and will not star
Jason Aldean and Kid Rock or Beavis and Butthead
The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal
The revolution will not get rid of the nubs
The revolution will not make you look five pounds thinner
Because the revolution will not be televised, MAGAs
There will be no pictures of you and Lebron James
Pushing that shopping cart down the block on the dead run
Or trying to slide that color TV into a stolen ambulance
Fox News will not be able predict the winner at 8:32
Or report from 29 districts

The revolution will not be televised
There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
ANTIFA on the instant replay
There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
ANTIFA on the instant replay
There will be no pictures of Al Sharpton
Being run out of Harlem on a rail with a brand new process
There will be no slow motion or still lifes of Jesse Jackson
Strolling through Watts in a red, black and green
Liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving
For just the proper occasion
Green Acres, Beverly Hillbillies, and Hooterville Junction
Will no longer be so damned relevant
And women will not care if Dick finally got down with Jane
On "Search for Tomorrow" because black people
Will be in the street looking for a brighter day

The revolution will not be televised
There will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock news
And no pictures of hairy armed women liberationists
And Melania Trump blowing her nose
The theme song will not be written by Jim Webb
Or Francis Scott Key, nor sung by Glen Campbell
Tom Jones, Johnny Cash, Englebert Humperdink or the Rare Earth
The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be right back
After a message about a white tornado, white lightning, or white people
You will not have to worry about a dove in your bedroom
The tiger in your tank or the giant in your toilet bowl

The revolution will not go better with Coke
The revolution will not fight germs that may cause bad breath
The revolution will put you in the driver's seat
The revolution will not be televised, will not be televised
Will not be televised, will not be televised
The revolution will be no re-run, MAGAs
DJT's Conviction though will be live


The original audio for the song. Sing along with my altered lyrics. Let's see who understands my subversion.


Why would I want to listen to that awful song with your shitty new lyrics? GSH is overrated as fuck.


Why do we want to read your awful comments all day?


Well you pretended you had blocked me before so why don't you sack the fuck up and do it you pathetic sweaty FAGAt? Now put down the crackpipe and go take your MonkeyPox meds.


You're funny.


You're retarded.


You are not an American yet you worship Trump. You are a true retard.


[–] Miyagido (2640) 15 days ago
Well you pretended you had blocked me before so why don't you sack the fuck up and do it you pathetic sweaty FAGAt? Now put down the crackpipe and go take your MonkeyPox meds.
Didn't your mom once tell you, "if you can't say something nice then..................."?

Now go and apologize to AMJF and you two start debating nicely again!!! πŸ˜‚


Apologize to these nuts


Shills gonna shill

Trump 24 MAGA


Where has "My Miyagido" gone??!!


Let's have a taste of one of the lyrical genius GSH's other classics The Bottle

$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine
$1.09 for a bottle of wine

Truly masterful songwriting, you can really feel the plight of the pathetic winos.


You would have earned cool, timely, zeitgeist points if you had picked Gil's Angel Dust and dedicated it to Hunter Biden and his personal substance abuse issues!


Meh one of his awful songs are as good as any of them. Someone should've taught him what a melody was.


Gil-Scott is a Spoken-Word/Poet performer.

Maybe you should try this: It speaks to the downfall of America based on how you see it today?

Winter In America


So why did you call it a song and suggest people sing along? People don't sing along to poems.
GSH is overrated. Only blacks and self hating whites seem to praise his terrible songs.


[–] Miyagido (2494) 11 hours ago
So why did you call it a song and suggest people sing along? People don't sing along to poems.
What???!!! Many songs are poems and even rhymes.

You might as well throw a limerick in there also to sing along to:

There once was a man from Nantucket,
Who stole many votes and said, " "!

There once was a huckster named Trump
who liked to be kissed on the rump.
He promised awed voters
if they'd be his promoters,
he'd magically fix up their dump.

Now the voters were dreaming of Ronald
and hoping they'd found him in Donald.
And so, lightly "thinking"
after much heavy drinking,
they put out, as if they'd been fondled.

But once he'd secured the election
Trump found his fans cause for dejection.
"I only love tens!"
he complained to his "friends,"
then deported them: black, white and Mexican.

Thus Donald fulfilled his sworn duties
by ridding the land of non-cuties.
Once the plain Janes were gone
he could smile on his throne
surrounded by imported beauties!

I know, it seems outrageous,
But it’s getting a lot of attention
On some very respectable Web pages β€”
Which mainstream media won’t mention:
Donald Trump was not born in Queens,
He was born in the Philippines,
In a hotel in downtown Manila.
Where his hair turned bright vanilla
Due to vitamin deficiencies.
GSH is overrated. Only blacks and self hating whites seem to praise his terrible songs.

If you say so!


No you don't sing poetry, you recite poetry. Another fail.


[–] Miyagido (2495) 4 minutes ago
No you don't sing poetry, you recite poetry. Another fail.

"Sung poetry is a broad and imprecise music genre widespread in European countries, such as Poland and the Baltic States, to describe songs consisting of a poem (most often a ballad) and music written specially for that text. The compositions usually feature a delicate melody and scarce musical background, often comprising a guitar or piano."

In the USA that would also fall under a form called, "Folk Music".


You are describing poetry being sung as a song with the addition of music, when it's sung as a song it ceases to be poetry and becomes a song or ballad. Poetry is recited, prove me wrong.


Any poetry slam will prove you wrong. But that is a stanza for a whole different disambiguation set to music.


Poetry is recited, prove me wrong.

A poetry slam is a competitive art event in which poets perform spoken word poetry before a live audience and a panel of judges. While formats can vary, slams are often loud and lively, with audience participation, cheering and dramatic delivery. Hip-hop music and urban culture are strong influences, and backgrounds of participants tend to be diverse.[citation needed]

Poetry slams began in Chicago in 1984, with the first slam competition designed to move poetry recitals from academia to a popular audience.

I mean you're just confirming what I said, poetry is recited.

Anyway we're going on a tangent, GSH sucks.


See how much your world has grown from your brief interactions with my posts??

Trump will be held accountable for crimes.


That's a funny way to say "You were correct Miyagido, poetry is recited" 🀣

And I agree, Trump will be held accountable for any crimes he committed, so fully expect him to be free and POTUS in 24 due to him being squeaky clean and innocent of any crimes! 🀑


Lyric poetry is a type of poetry that expresses personal emotions or feelings, often in the first person. It may have songlike qualities and be sung with musical instruments, especially the lyre, in ancient times.

It is not the same as song lyrics or Ancient Greek lyric poetry, which were mainly limited to songs or chants. It is also different from narrative poetry and verse drama, which tell stories. Some common forms of lyric poetry are elegies, odes, and sonnets. Examples of lyric poets are John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley. It is no amazement to you that you get fixated on the wrong thing and lose focus? These are your cultural lyrical countrymen, and you deny them their musical poetic gifts to the UK?

[–] Miyagido (2504) an hour ago
That's a funny way to say "You were correct Miyagido, poetry is recited" 🀣
You are not wrong. Poetry is indeed recited. Ofttimes in the form of a song with a musical accompaniment, including the human voice, or even "A Cappela".
And I agree, Trump will be held accountable for any crimes he committed, so fully expect him to be free and POTUS in 24 due to him being squeaky clean and innocent of any crimes! 🀑
Yes, DJT is indeed innocent until proven guilty for his current legal entanglements.

As it stands now DJT has been found guilty of "Rape" in a Court-Of-Law already and is paying $5 Million and soon to be $10 Million because he can't keep his guilty yap shut. πŸ‘


It is no amazement to you that you get fixated on the wrong thing and lose focus?

You're attempting to spin with a strawman argument. There was no lost focus, here's what I said.

People don't sing along to poems.

No you don't sing poetry, you recite poetry.

Poetry is recited, prove me wrong.

Tell me where I lost focus with those consistent statements about the thing that I said? Seems like that part only happened in your head.

elegies, odes, and sonnets

Are not poems hence the very different names that you used for them.

Poetry is indeed recited.

Yes. You can recite song lyrics and music too. You don't sing poetry though you recite it.

Ofttimes in the form of a song with a musical accompaniment, including the human voice, or even "A Cappela".

No what you described is called a song or an A cappela which are not poems, hence the very different names that you used for them. Am I a pedant? Yes very much so.

As it stands now DJT has been found guilty of "Rape" in a Court-Of-Law

lol no he hasn't you lying shill, civil courts do not decide guilt they decide liability and even then they threw out the claims of rape. But you already knew that.

Look how much you learn from your brief interactions with my posts! You're welcome.


You should actually be focusing on this part here where you were spreading misinformation about Trump having been found guilty of rape in a court of law which is a complete fabrication on your part as per usual. Keep up the terrible work!


[–] Miyagido (2573) 18 minutes ago
You should actually be focusing on this part here where you were spreading misinformation about Trump having been found guilty of rape in a court of law which is a complete fabrication on your part as per usual. Keep up the terrible work!
A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

The filing from Judge Lewis A. Kaplan came as Trump’s attorneys have sought a new trial and have argued that the jury’s $5 million verdict against Trump in the civil suit was excessive. The reason, they argue, is that sexual abuse could be as limited as the β€œgroping” of a victim’s breasts.
DJT was liable for committing "Rape" and is legally being labeled as a "Rapist" in a court of law. Soon to be followed by the preponderance of people in the Court-Of-Public-Opinion. Except you. You'll claim the court and a judge is spreading misinformation. 🀣

I wonder if he has to register as a Sex-Offender also.



DJT was liable

Oh what's the matter NorrinRadicalLeftie why are you not claiming he was found guilty anymore? Didn't you claim he was found guilty? Let me just double check; oh look I DID remember correctly!

[–] NorrinRad (4304) 4 days ago
As it stands now DJT has been found guilty of "Rape" in a Court-Of-Law

So you first said guilty and now you have changed to liable. It's almost as if what you said was completely fabricated, exactly as I said, and now you have stopped claiming he was found guilty and have swapped to liable in a bizzarre attempt to make people think you weren't just comprehensively schooled on the difference between civil and criminal courts in America, and by a non US citizen no less, how utterly embarrassing that would be for you if you were an American citizen and not a Chinese shill working at a phone farm! :^)


Miyagido, you're a special breed of NON-USofA DJT supporter. My retort/reply to you was that DJT was a criminal and was NOT squeaky clean.

[–] Miyagido (2575) 4 days ago

And I agree, Trump will be held accountable for any crimes he committed, so fully expect him to be free and POTUS in 24 due to him being squeaky clean and innocent of any crimes! 🀑
Miyagido, you're right I am no longer saying he is NOT guilty of being a "Rapist". I am stating that a judge has stated as such and because of that DJT's odds of being elected to the highest office have gone down because he has been found lacking in being called "Innocent" of all crimes based on all the indictments.


Miyagido, you're a special breed of NON-USofA DJT supporter. My retort/reply to you was that DJT was a criminal and was NOT squeaky clean.

No no no, your retort wasn't that at all, your retort was -

[–] NorrinRad (4304) 13 days ago
As it stands now DJT has been found guilty of "Rape" in a Court-Of-Law already

Miyagido, you're right I am no longer saying he is NOT guilty of being a "Rapist". I am stating that a judge has stated as such and because of that DJT's odds of being elected to the highest office have gone down because he has been found lacking in being called "Innocent" of all crimes based on all the indictments.

Utter word soup. Do better.

[–] NorrinRad (4304) 13 days ago
As it stands now DJT has been found guilty of "Rape" in a Court-Of-Law already

This is what you claimed, try to stay focused and stop attempting to shift the goalposts away from your obviously wrong and losing position.
Are you now correcting your claim and saying you were originally posting misinformation?
Please answer the following question -

Has Donald J Trump been found guilty of rape in a court of law?

Any attempt to avoid or answer this question outside of a yes or no is a tacit admission of your lies and misinformation FYI





Why are you bumping you insipid post? Nobody cares. I would love to know why you worship Trump since you are not American. Everyone here just laughs at you.


This was one of my favorite threads and I rather enjoyed Miyagido respoonding.

I think he might have been picked up by DHS or fired from his Russian Troll Farming gig.πŸ—½πŸ˜‚πŸ€£


Any attempt to avoid or answer this question outside of a yes or no is a tacit admission of your lies and misinformation FYI

*crickets chirping*



*tumbleweeds tumbling*



*tumbleweeds tumbling and crickets chirping simultaneously*



[–] Miyagido (2732) 20 days ago

And I agree, Trump will be held accountable for any crimes he committed, so fully expect him to be free and POTUS in 24 due to him being squeaky clean and innocent of any crimes! 🀑
DJT has been found Liable for Rape in a Court-Of-Law and was found Liable for the Sexual Abuse of E. Jean Carroll in a Court-Of-Law. DJT is not Innocent nor is he Squeaky Clean. πŸ‘

What I claimed was the following:

A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

The filing from Judge Lewis A. Kaplan came as Trump’s attorneys have sought a new trial and have argued that the jury’s $5 million verdict against Trump in the civil suit was excessive. The reason, they argue, is that sexual abuse could be as limited as the β€œgroping” of a victim’s breasts.
β€œThe finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was β€˜raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump β€˜raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word β€˜rape,’ ” Kaplan wrote.

He added: β€œIndeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.”

Kaplan said New York’s legal definition of β€œrape” is β€œfar narrower” than the word is understood in β€œcommon modern parlance.”
DJT was not found Guilty in criminal court of Raping E. Jean Carrol. β˜‘οΈ

DJT was found to have Raped E. Jean Carroll by a judge in a Court-Of-Law and therefore is both a Rapist and neither innocent nor Squeaky Clean, in the Court-Of-Public-Opinion. 🀣

Was I Lying? No.
Was I spreading misinformation? No.


Has Donald J Trump been found guilty of rape in a court of law?

Any attempt to avoid or answer this question outside of a yes or no is a tacit admission of your lies and misinformation FYI

yes or no

tacit admission

lies and misinformation



I'll be sporting and give you one last chance to correct your misinformation as I'm generous like that.
Now we don't need all the other fluff you tried to add, this is a very simple question that only requires a one word answer and that's it, nothing more.


Has DJT been found guilty of rape in a court of law, yes or no?

I await your one word answer to my question.



*crickets chirping*



[–] Miyagido (2751) 4 hours ago
I'll be sporting and give you one last chance to correct your misinformation as I'm generous like that.
Has DJT been found guilty of rape in a court of law, yes or no?

I await your one word answer to my question.

[–] Miyagido (2751) 3 hours ago
*crickets chirping*

DJT was found to have Raped E. Jean Carroll by a judge in a Court-Of-Law and therefore is both a Rapist and neither innocent nor Squeaky Clean, in the Court-Of-Public-Opinion. 🀣

Was I Lying? No.
Was I spreading misinformation? No.


Utterly spectacular failure to answer a simple one word answer question, instead we get your word soup spin again.

"Squeaky Clean, in the Court-Of-Public-Opinion" isn't a legal status in the USA Chang.

I didn't ask if DJT "was found to have Raped E. Jean Carroll by a judge in a Court-Of-Law" Chang.

I asked a very specific question, several times, that you refuse to answer. And you refuse to answer because you, I, and EVERYONE who reads your posts KNOWS you are completely and utterly backed into a corner and that if you answer it honestly it will show that you LIED and SPREAD MISINFORMATION about DJT being, and I quote, "found guilty of rape in a court of law". Those were your words Chang, STAY FOCUSED.


[–] NorrinRad (4402) 20 days ago
As it stands now DJT has been found guilty of "Rape" in a Court-Of-Law already and is paying $5 Million and soon to be $10 Million because he can't keep his guilty yap shut.

Those were your words Chang, do you remember saying them? Do you stand by them? Was DJT found guilty Chang yes or no? I await your next hilarious attempt to spin.


Your pathetic weaseling might fool some idiots but not me. Are you triggered your gaslighting failed again Chang? Yet another MASSIVE L for you! But I'm sure you're very used to that by now.


[–] Miyagido (2573) 4 days ago
GSH is overrated. Only blacks and self hating whites seem to praise his terrible songs.
I meant to address this statement last time.

What is it that you have against "Whites" that praise Gil-Scott Heron and his songs, to the point that you describe them as "Self-Hating"?

That is an odd and random opinion of someone "White" that you probably DON'T know. I truly meant to ask that earlier. My faux pas. πŸ‘

So what's the deal-io?



DJT was liable

Oh what's the matter NorrinRadicalLeftie why are you not claiming he was found guilty anymore? Didn't you claim he was found guilty? Let me just double check; oh look I DID remember correctly!

[–] NorrinRad (4304) 4 days ago
As it stands now DJT has been found guilty of "Rape" in a Court-Of-Law

So you first said guilty and now you have changed to liable. It's almost as if what you said was completely fabricated, exactly as I said, and now you have stopped claiming he was found guilty and have swapped to liable in a bizzarre attempt to make people think you weren't just comprehensively schooled on the difference between civil and criminal courts in America, and by a non US citizen no less, how utterly embarrassing that would be for you if you were an American citizen and not a Chinese shill working at a phone farm! :^)


[–] Miyagido (2571) 4 days ago
So why did you call it a song and suggest people sing along?
Because, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" IS a song??!! You'll notice the flute, drums, bass guitar are the musical accompaniment. I changed a few words to suit MAGA. You seem to approve. No?
People don't sing along to poems.
But they do sing-a-long to THIS song as well as to poems that are lyrical, you know like,"Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star"? You know the words? Don't you? If you can't sing just recite the words or lyrics. No harm, no foul.
GSH is overrated. Only blacks and self hating whites seem to praise his terrible songs.
I meant to address this statement last time. What is it that you have against "Whites" that praise Gil-Scott Heron and his songs, to the point that you describe them as "Self-Hating"?

That is an odd and random opinion of someone "White" that you probably DON'T know. I truly meant to ask that earlier. My faux pas. πŸ‘


No, you don't sing poems you recite them.


[–] Miyagido (2573) an hour ago
No, you don't sing poems you recite them.
[–] Miyagido (2571) 4 days ago
So why did you call it a song and suggest people sing along?
Because, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" IS a song??!! You'll notice the flute, drums, bass guitar are the musical accompaniment. I changed a few words to suit MAGA. You seem to approve. No?
People don't sing along to poems.
But they do sing-a-long to THIS song as well as to poems that are lyrical, you know like,"Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star"? You know the words? Don't you? If you can't sing, just recite the words or lyrics. No harm, no foul.


You don't sing poems you recite them :^)


[–] Miyagido (2938) a month ago
GSH is overrated. Only blacks and self hating whites seem to praise his terrible songs.
You never did address your apparent distaste or lack of respect (and or self-reflection) about Whites listening to GSH and you describing them as Self-Hating??? What was that all about? Care to share with the rest of the class?


I've appreciated the thought and intelligence you've put into your posts on this site. You are really talented, how long did it take you to create these lyrics?


[–] RockAway (595) 35 minutes ago
I've appreciated the thought and intelligence you've put into your posts on this site. You are really talented, how long did it take you to create these lyrics?
I can't accept any praise for the lyrics because for "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" the lyrics/words come from Gil-Scott Heron and all I did was take plagiaristic liberties for maybe only 12-15 words. It took me all of five minutes because I know the song intimately. πŸ‘

Maybe I'll go back and do an edit and create a REMIX version!! No autotune though!!


You will not be able to stay home, MAGAs
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out
You will not be able to lose yourself on Meth and
Skip out for beer during commercials
Because the revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be brought to you by Truth Social
In four parts without commercial interruptions
The revolution will not show you pictures of Donald Trump
Blowing a bugle and leading a charge by Jeff Sessions,
Lindsey Graham and Gym Jordan
To eat hog maws confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary
The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be brought to you by the
Schaefer Award Theatre and will not star
Jason Aldean and Kid Rock or Beavis and Butthead
The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal
The revolution will not get rid of the nubs
The revolution will not make you look five pounds thinner
Because the revolution will not be televised, Magas
There will be no pictures of you and Lebron James
Pushing that shopping cart down the block on the dead run
Or trying to slide that color TV into a stolen ambulance
Fox News will not be able predict the winner at 8:32
Or report from 29 districts
The revolution will not be televised
There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
ANTIFA on the instant replay
There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
ANTIFA on the instant replay
There will be no pictures of Al Sharpton
Being run out of Harlem on a rail with a brand new process
There will be no slow motion or still lifes of Jesse Jackson
Strolling through Watts in a red, black and green
Liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving
For just the proper occasion
Green Acres, Beverly Hillbillies, and Hooterville Junction
Will no longer be so damned relevant
And women will not care if Dick finally got down with Jane
On "Search for Tomorrow" because black people
Will be in the street looking for a brighter day
The revolution will not be televised
There will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock news
And no pictures of hairy armed women liberationists
And Melania Trump blowing her nose
The theme song will not be written by Jim Webb
Or Francis Scott Key, nor sung by Glen Campbell
Tom Jones, Johnny Cash, Englebert Humperdink or the Rare Earth
The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be right back
After a message about a white tornado, white lightning or white people
You will not have to worry about a dove in your bedroom
The tiger in your tank or the giant in your toilet bowl
The revolution will not go better with Coke
The revolution will not fight germs that may cause bad breath
The revolution will put you in the driver's seat
The revolution will not be televised, will not be televised
Will not be televised, will not be televised
The revolution will be no re-run, MAGAs
The revolution will be live

I am curious, but will you put this much thought into this for your next post when this whole thing on the Trump indictments ends up being tossed in Georgia just by how obvious they're making this look in keeping Trump from running and beating Biden next year??


[–] BKB (106) 3 days ago
I am curious, but will you put this much thought into this for your next post when this whole thing on the Trump indictments ends up being tossed in Georgia
It took minimal effort in putting that post together. I made very few word changes and really could have made them more topical for present day political consumption for your entertainment.
just by how obvious they're making this look in keeping Trump from running and beating Biden next year??
That last statement was quite unfortunate and telling. Unfortunate? Because it is projection on your part and wishful thinking, lacking any clear basis in reality. The only "THEY" is DJT and his minions that have "CAUSED" these various speaking indictments to happen. Telling? Because you neglect to bother to READ the indictments and understand how the entire process of Jurisprudence and the Rule of Law actually works. You are going with your "Perceptions". DJT was indicted because he can't stop himself from Crime-ing and committing Crimes.

You WANT the indictment tossed in Georgia but HOW does that happen? You have ZERO idea.


[–] BKB (123) 4 days ago
I am curious, but will you put this much thought into this for your next post when this whole thing on the Trump indictments ends up being tossed in Georgia just by how obvious they're making this look in keeping Trump from running and beating Biden next year??
Well, here is the answer you asked from me:

If you're havin' MAGA problems I feel bad for you son
I got 91 charges but a MAGA ain't one
I got the GOP patrol on the Q-Anon Stroll
Foes that want to make sure my casket's closed
RNC critics that say he's "RINO Cash Hoes"
I'm from Jamaica Queens, stupid what type of facts are those?
If you grew up with holes in your zapatos
You'd celebrate the minute you was havin' dough
I'm like "Fuck critics, you can kiss my whole orange asshole
If you don't like my rallies, you can press fast forward"
Got beef with tweets if I don't play they show
Fox News don't play my hits, well, I 'don't give a shit, so
Fox News lied and used my Orange ass
So Mike Lindell can give 'em more pillows for ads, fuckers
I don't know what you take me as
Or understand the pettiness that DJT has

I'm from riches to riches, MAGA I ain't dumb
I got 91 Charges but a MAGA ain't one, hit me
91 Charges but a MAGA ain't one
If you Havin’ MAGA problems I feel bad for you son
I got 91 Charges but a MAGA ain't one, hit me
Year's 2022 and Mar-A-Lago is raw
On my Security Camera is the motherfuckin' law
I got two choices y'all, pull all the docs or, hmm
Bounce on the devil, put the lie to the floor
Now I ain't tryin' to see no FBI Search Warrant with Jack
Plus I got a few dollars I could fight the case
So I, lean on entitlement and a few expendable lawyers
I heard "Sir, do you know wat I'm searching you for?"
"'Cause I'm Rich and I'm white and Biden sent you?
Or do I look like a mind reader, sir? I don't know
Am I indicted and charged or should I guess some mo'?"
"Well you was caught with War Plans and other contraband" "Uh huh"

"Security Clearance” and Passport and step out of the way

Are you carryin' a weapon on you? I know a lot of you are"
"I ain't steppin' out the way, all my papers legit"
"Well do you mind if the DoJ search your bathroom a lil' bit?"
"Well my office is locked, so is Melanie’s closet
And I know my rights so you gon' need a warrant for that"
"Aren't you sharp as a tack? You some type of lawyer or something?
Somebody important or something?"
"FBI Thug, I ain't passed the bar, but I know a lil' bit
Enough that you won't illegally search my shit"

"Well we'll see how smart you are when Walt Nauta flips"
I got 91 charges but a MAGA ain't one, hit me
91 Charges but a MAGA ain't one
If you Havin’ MAGA problems I feel bad for you son
I got 91 Charges but a MAGA ain't one, hit me
91 Charges but a MAGA ain't one
If you Havin’ MAGA problems I feel bad for you son
I got 91 Charges but a MAGA ain't one, hit me

Now once upon a time not too long ago
A Trumper like myself had to strong arm a hoe
This is not a hoe in the sense of havin' a pussy
But a pussy havin' no goddamn sense try and push me
I tried to ignore Stormy Daniels, talk to the Lord
Pray for Michael Avenatti, cause some fools just love to perform
You know the type, loud as a motorbike
But wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight
The only thin' that's gon' happen is I'ma get to clappin' and
Rinos and their boys gon' be yappin' to the captain
And there I go trapped in the Kit Kat again
Back through the system with the riff raff again
Fiends on the floor scratchin' again
Paparazzi's with they cameras, snappin' them
D.A. Willis tried to give the Trump shaft again
Fifth a Mil' for bail cause I'm an Ex-President
All because this fool was harassin' 'the Dems
Tryin' to play Donald Trump like he's saccharine
But ain't nothin' sweet 'bout how I hold my power
I got 91 Charges, bein' a Genius ain't one, hit me
91 Charges but a MAGA ain't one
If you Havin’ MAGA problems I feel bad for you son
I got 91 Charges but a MAGA ain't one, hit me (gosh)
91 Charges but a MAGA ain't one
If you Havin’ MAGA problems I feel bad for you son
I got 91 Charges but a MAGA ain't one, hit me
Woo, woo, uh, uh
Havin’ MAGA problems I feel bad for you son
I got 91 Charges and a MAGA ain't one
You're crazy for this one, Roger Stone, it's your boy




[–] BKB (276) 14 days ago
You will not be able to stay home, MAGAs
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out

"I am curious, but will you put this much thought into this for your next post when this whole thing on the Trump indictments ends up being tossed in Georgia just by how obvious they're making this look in keeping Trump from running and beating Biden next year??
Looks like D.A. Fani Willis nor the Georgia Indictment are going anywhere. Care to modify that little missive of yours?


Yeah, they simply don't have a case and it's blatantly obvious this is to keep him from beating Old Yeller next year like a rag doll and the Left simply can't handle this.. They can't.. I have never seen 1 man in Donald Trump get this many people on the left this worked up over a whole lot of nothing.. Face it: You have TDS


[–] BKB (1232) 2 months ago
Yeah, they simply don't have a case
And yet Sidney (The Kraken) Powell has been found Guilty because she plead Guilty. Hmmmmph! Head scratcher.
and it's blatantly obvious this is to keep him from beating Old Yeller next year like a rag doll
Good luck with that imagery you created.
and the Left simply can't handle this.. They can't..
It is Democracy and the Rule-Of-Law that opposes DJT NOT Lberals. Learn to keep up.
I have never seen 1 man in Donald Trump get this many people on the left this worked up over a whole lot of nothing..
Indeed DJT has been Crimeing and Lying and for SUCH a long time. But in the end The Bill becomes due.
Face it: You have TDS
You are correct:

TDS / Treasonous Delusional Seditionist. That does best describe DJT and TDS. πŸ—½πŸ‘πŸ—½


Not only did she plead guilty, as part of her plea deal she has to write a letter of apology to the residents of Georgia!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!


[–] xanthas (2351) an hour ago
Not only did she plead guilty, as part of her plea deal she has to write a letter of apology to the residents of Georgia!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!
Everyone is wondering just WHAT that Letter of Apology will look like:

October 19th, 2023 02:00 PM

Dear Wonderful Americans of the State of Georgia,

I apologize for attempting to cheat you out of your rights. I am apologizing because I did NOT want to go to prison

Respectfully Signed,

Sidney Katherine Powell (Born May 1st, 1955)



To Whom It May Concern:

As you can imagine, I was so depressed by dOnald tRump's election loss that I literally went out of my mind and made up a bunch of fairytales about the election being stolen. Then media people paid me a bunch of money to go on TV and talk about the fairytales. Then before I knew it, people were paying me a bunch of money to go to Georgia trying to break into election machines. Making all of this money helped me to feel a bit better about the election loss...but the bottom line is that dOnald tRump makes people go out of their minds so none of this was my fault, but they are making me write this letter anyway, so sorry, etc.

Sidney "Kraken" Powell


Lovin' that one. The Non-apology apology!!

If you don't mind you should just copy and paste that on Sidney Powell's board. Her apology NEEDS o Trend until DJT has to issue his. πŸ‘πŸ—½πŸ‘


[–] BKB (5931) 8 months ago
Yeah, they simply don't have a case and it's blatantly obvious this is to keep him from beating Old Yeller next year like a rag doll and the Left simply can't handle this..
I will update to 88 but I need to have some popcorn first for sustenance. πŸ—½πŸ‘


Even worse, they already reported that she will testify against Trump.

It's over. The walls are officially closing in!


I still am personally fond of this rendition.


Gil's ghost says you're a shit head.


[–] parkerbot (8359) 2 months ago
Gil's ghost says you're a shit head.
I sincerely doubt that. πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

See: Winter In America by Gil-Scott Heron.
