What will you do when he pleads guilty, Magaturds?
It wouldn't surprise the rest of us. But for you guys, when he eventually does an Agnew and takes a deal to avoid jail, it's going to be the biggest turn around, kick in the nuts coat pulled over your head while he goes through your pockets for the rest of your loose change and your dignity.
I have a hope that maybe even most people will swallow their pride and acknowledge that he conned you all along. Whether that translates into examining your ability to be manipulated through the fear and hatred in your hearts that he has shamelessly exploited, I don't know.
But I get a feeling that at least half will just be mad at him for agreeing with all the people he's indoctrinated you into demonising for trying to do their jobs and keep the US safe. That's if you weren't already just completely bigoted in the first place.
I'm sure a lot of people share my anticipation for the final comeuppance. But I'm also sure that many of us aren't going to get any real satisfaction from this until and unless the psychic, emotional and intellectual damage that this charade has caused can be repaired.