MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Attacks on His Hand Size

Attacks on His Hand Size

Always angered me.

Fiona Apple is one of my all-time favourite musical artists, but I see she recorded a protest song called 'Tiny Hands'. By all means, attack Trump. He's a misogynist POS, but why attack his hand size? That's the one thing he can't control.

I know victimised/oppressed people often gain strength from turning the tables on their oppressors and being just as cruel/mean/demeaning, but as glib as the expression may be, 'two wrongs don't make a right' is indeed correct. We should ALL avoid body-shaming and ad hominem attacks, no matter WHO the target is, even if it's someone as wretched as Trump.

Also, since the anti-Trump women's protests, trans rights have started to take precedence in many people's minds, well, 'small hands' are actually a good thing for *trans women*, so perhaps instead of sneering, we should embrace them as beneficial (then again, certain 'feminists' do seem to have a problem with trans women, so maybe there's a weird militant feminist hatred towards XY chromosome individuals with small hands).
