MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Why Is Everyone So Obsessed...

Why Is Everyone So Obsessed...

...with this boring, dull, unimaginative, unremarkable, mediocre waste of space?

And yes, that applies to both his brainless far-right simps and devotees *and* my fellow leftists who are stricken with TDS?

Imagine if this POS were to disappear. What would we possibly talk about anymore? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

IGNORE HIM. Because that's how you make someone disappear...unless some of you want this fat turd to constantly be the first thing on our minds. Goodness knows why. Personally, I'd rather think of something or someone else, but perhaps the rest of you all have a hard-on for obese seventy-something men with bad hair... πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


'Why Is Everyone So Obsessed with this boring, dull, unimaginative, unremarkable, mediocre waste of space?'
I think you're overestimating your importance on this board.


LOL! Yeah, you're probably right about the "boring, dull, unimaginative, unremarkable, mediocre waste of space".

The difference is, I don't claim to be anything more, and, I'm pretty sure no-one's obsessed with me (nor should they be), although that one poster who keeps trolling me and calling me a bot/AI program, seems to have a weird hard-on for me.


Who is obsessed? A lot of conservatives are thinking of getting behind's the left keeping Trump relevant


To some extent, but why are people still showing up to his rallies, and why did the right ever nominate/elect with asshole to begin with?


Because anybody is better than Hillary


Yeah, both parties really dropped the ball in 2016.

That said, even if you don't like her as a person (and I can't say I do, although her fake, and rapey, husband, is arguably far worse, even if he at least possesses the superficial charm she doesn't have), she'd have been a FAR MORE competent Commander-in-Chief than the asshole you all ended up with.

On the other hand, Trump's incompetence, and inability to build his wall, is perhaps his saving grace, and his only real lasting legacy is SCOTUS (and, tbf, the present, sorry state of SCOTUS is arguably as much the late, and admittedly great, RBG's fault, as much as it is down to Trump).


Probably for the same reason you felt the need to post this.


And what reason would that be?

xanthas, do you have a brain of your own, or are you one of those faux-leftists, who make the rest of us *actual* leftists look bad, by constantly trotting out the same corporatist, tribalist, dullard DNC mantra? Instead of going after Trump, or even talking about him, we should do what the media *should have* done back in 2015 and earlier, and IGNORE his fat ass. It's precisely because CNN, SNL, Jimmy Fallon, and all the rest of the media gave him coverage in the first place, that the US ended up with 4 years of that prick.

The difference between me and corporatist DNC 'libs' like you, is that I actually want the world to be a better place, whereas some of you get off on things being bad so you can all say "We told you so," even though the irony is that is was *your* people (i.e. the Clintons, the media and Hollywood) who *BEFRIENDED* and indulged Trump for so long, and gave him such an unearned platform. Do you people *ever* learn? Show some fucking humility for once and listen to ACTUAL leftists who know what we're talking about...unless, of course, you're not *actually* interested in a fairer, more stable, more progresive society...πŸ€”

Have you ever seen any photos of Bernie Sanders and Noam Chomsky hanging out with Trump at a golf course, or attending his weddings? No? Well, that's the difference between ACTUAL leftists (many of whom are Jewish) and fake-leftists like the Clintons (who only *think* they're Jewish, and marry into Jewish families, like their daughter, Chelsea, simply in order to gain some faux-leftist credibility. They are NOT and will NEVER be Jewish. Fuck these faux-liberal gentiles and fuck their insincere simping for Israel. They know and understand NOTHING about the actual Jewish diaspara. 😠)


β€œ IGNORE HIM. Because that's how you make someone disappear...unless some of you want this fat turd to constantly be the first thing on our minds.”

Or you could start a thread about him which just pushes him into everyone’s face again.

One strategy might work better than the other 🫀



If he wasn't trending, *entirely irrespective of me*, every two fucking seconds, I'd be inclined to agree with you.




Your coders must be obsessed why else would you make such a hypocritical post? Or have they coded circular logic?


Donny lives rent free in the pea brain leftist heads..



I wouldn't even count on that.


Nope. People - the same people? - are also obsessed with Hitler, Stalin, Mao...and they are all dead. No, my guess is that people are desperately - and childishly - trying to name someone a "bogeyman".
