Trump broke into someone's house, and then raped and then ate a baby chihuahua alive. He did absolutely nothing wrong.
He had absolutely no choice. As he was walking past the house, he heard the chihuahua bark in a way that made it clear it had a bomb inside it. The democrats clearly figured out where Trump would be walking, put a bomb inside a baby chihuahua, and then put the chihuahua in a house Trump would walk past, with the intention of killing him.
Trump had to break into the house to destroy the bomb. And he had to destroy it with his penis, because it's the biggest and strongest part of him.
Then once it was clear the bomb was destroyed, he had to eat the chihuahua, to prevent it from barking it a way that would signal to the democrats that the bomb was destroyed.
People are only talking about this to make people forget that Biden committed attempted mass murder. He moved his leg in a way that made it clear he farted, with the intention of killing everyone in the room with the smell. Nobody's talking about that because everyone hates Trump and loves Biden for no reason, even though anyone with a brain can see Trump is perfect in every way, and Biden is worse than Hitler.
If you disagree with anything I've said, you're a stupid brainwashed libtard snowflake with Trump Derangement Syndrome, who can't handle facts.