Dasymetric Maps versus what Donald looks at
After the 2016 election when Donny was butthurt that he lost the popular vote & couldn't accept that his Inauguration crowds were so thin that he had to send out his people to lie to Americans (who have eyes of their own) & required them to make statements to history "PERIOD!" & introduced something called "Alternative Facts" - he was given a pacifier - a map showing the USA that was mostly RED representing the Congressional Districts won by the GOP & Donald.
But remember, he lost the popular vote by MILLIONS.
So areas of wilderness & farm & National Parks in Red States appear as Red.
And Republicans pass the map around, clapping each other on the backs. And CNN goes into Ohio to talk to 't-Rump voters!' & wonders what makes THEM tick. (Hint? they're ticked!)
But that's not where people live. That map is not an accurate representation of American votes in 2016.
The BEST map to watch- the most accurate & honest map Donald & GOP-tv Fox should look at is the DASYMETRIC MAP https://media.wired.com/photos/5b59eab77756071a9b78f1ee/master/w_1132,c_limit/Dasymetric-Dot-Density-w.jpg
The Dasymetric Map gives a dot to EVERY VOTE CAST. It represents PEOPLE & VOTES & not empty space.
But go ahead & be deluded, right wing bots & trolls & Republicons & Rethugs & RINOS. If you have an (R) after your name & you hate Dems - look where the jobs are. The vast majority of the TAXES that make this government go come from those dark blue places.
We have voices. You can stick fingers in your ears all you want, scream FAKE NEWS! ALTERNATIVE FACTS! LA LA LA LA LA - we won't be silent. Whether you listen or not is up to you, but calling US traitors because WE, THE MAJORITY are not the current ruling party? Is going to change.