MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > All Donald has to do to be impeached...

All Donald has to do to be impeached... utter the words, "By the way, I lied about believing in God. I'm actually an atheist."
He'd be gone in the blink of an eye if he said that, but thankfully he's not that stupid. The world needs him.


TBH I'm not sure even that would guarantee his impeachment. The only thing holding up impeachment right now is Nancy Pelosi. I don't see how Trump confirming what anyone with a brain already knows and probably most of congress already believes but is too afraid to publicly admit themselves would change anything.

Pelosi is a creature of opinion polls and political calculus from my godless native SF congressional district. She's not going to change her mind unless serious pressure is brought to bear on her from her constituents or her caucus. That's not going to happen from Trump admitting to be an atheist.


Well that and that pesky lack of evidence. Maybe demokkkrats can change that law to suit their needs too.


Indeed they can and have rhapsodized in their past about doing so:
“I am proud to be a politician,” Biden told then-Washingtonian writer Kitty Kelley, who authored the profile. “There is no other walk of life which can do more good for mankind than politics. It influences everything that happens to the American people.”

Biden proceeded, according to Kelley, to lean “over his desk to shake his finger at me” while explaining elected officials like himself had the power to “take away” constitutionally protected rights if they saw fit.

“And, whether you like it or not, young lady,” he said. “Us cruddy politicians can take away that First Amendment of yours if we want to.”
“Politics should be the most honorable of professions,” he said. “Those of you who are doctors and lawyers and Indian chiefs in the audience, how can any of you possibly do as much good, if you are very good at what you do, as I can do if I am very good at what I can do?”

‘You can’t,” Biden added. “So the point is, this is where the action is.”

At other points in the speech, Biden declared that politicians were just “as moral,” if not more so, than doctors. He also admitted to taking “great offense” at what he saw as the public’s “perilous” attempt to label anyone in elective office a “thief” or a “crook.”

“I for one also take great offense, at 30-years-old achieving a life’s ambition, to seek the highest elective office, with one exception, in the land and the prestige of that office,” Biden said. “To now be put in the perilous position of being labeled as a ‘thief’ or a ‘crook’ as the rest of those politicians.”

Good grief - an egomaniac traitor to the Republic from the get go!


Biden proceeded, according to Kelley, to lean “over his desk to shake his finger at me” while explaining elected officials like himself had the power to “take away” constitutionally protected rights if they saw fit.

And here is where you learn that I am not a "Liberal."

It's this kind of attitude (and Trump has an even worse DICTATOR attitude) is what's wrong with statism.

He cannot take away rights because they cannot be given. He can only infringe upon others forcefully. He can only oppress.

I am an Extremist Conservative and an Extremist Liberal. I am a pure, tried and true, 100% capital-a Anarchist and I will never support a state voluntarily.



"Well that and that pesky lack of evidence."

Only the Fox brainwashed think this.


It is unlikely even that will get a 2/3 vote from the senate. The unemployment is to low and business making money to ever get the senate to vote out Donald.


The Senate won't convict but it's Pelosi's decision whether to impeach. Trump saying he's an atheist isn't going to change Pelosi's mind.

All it takes is the House to vote on Articles of Impeachment to impeach a president. Both Clinton and Andrew Johnson were impeached but both avoided conviction in the Senate.


Whatever Nancy wants to do. Like AOC says both Nancy and Donald will be forgotten soon. Nancy is just trying things to keep AOC happy,but she knows she will still be gone soon.


If Nancy is trying to keep AOC happy she's doing a pretty poor job seeing as how AOC has been pushing for impeachment.

But you're right, both Nancy and DJT will put out to pasture soon. IMO the day can't really come soon enough. Political leadership of both parties is morbid.


You wrote 2 sentences, elcamino.

In those 2, you are probably right about one. Impeachment going through the Senate. But you're wrong that the reason for it not going through is "unemployment being to [sic] low" & "business making money."

The economy was improved under Clinton when he was impeached. The GDP was higher than it is now. The GOP still impeached him. Not for the reason they started investigating him - an illegal land deal - no! He was impeached for receiving a blow job & then lying about it.

Who cares if Donald's impeachment doesn't make it through the Senate? Because at that point, Donald will still have been impeached in the House. That, in itself puts him in the super asterisk group. He already has an asterisk after his name because Donald LOST the popular vote.

Now he'll have an asterisk because he will be one of the few who were impeached.

Because old Toilet Plunder Lips offered the GOP base some bullshit blowhardery & Y'all said MAGA!


Who cares if Donald's impeachment doesn't make it through the Senate? Because at that point, Donald will still have been impeached in the House. That, in itself puts him in the super asterisk group. He already has an asterisk after his name because Donald LOST the popular vote.

Now he'll have an asterisk because he will be one of the few who were impeached.

Is this like Barry Bonds to you?

He's not the only President to lose the "popular vote" - he's just the first to lose it to massive vote fraud by illegal aliens across this nation and especially in Tejas.

Wake up.


The only vote fraud involved was the discounting of three milion LEGITIMATE votes cast by ACTUAL American citizens in favor of a rigged backdoor election apparatus known as the electoral college that ensures the candidate that the Plutocrats want to win WILL win.

Read a book, or a real newspaper sometime, sheep.


Yall sure love keeping this dudes picture at the front of the trending page with these posts.


I've learned from being a sort-of regular on MovieChat since the IMDumB message boards went kaput that there are two portions of this site that are worth ignoring: the "trending" pictures at the top of the page...and the worthless click-bait junk at the bottom.


>> "By the way, I lied about believing in God. I'm actually an atheist."<<

Those sounds like words Obumba said, and he's paying for it now by having everything he did being reversed. You can just replace the word "impeached" by "re-elected" for DJT and it would be just as valid.
