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Fascist Jeanine Pirro wants everyone in Congress to be fired

On her weekend show, 'Judge' Jeanine Pirro called on everyone in Congress to be fired - including Republicans! - for doing their job by serving their constituents.

In her opening rant (where her eyes roll into the back of her head and she foams at the mouth till producers cut for commercial), Pirro addressed Trump's latest deal with Mexico, announced by the State Department on Friday night.

"It's a big win for the president," Pirro fumed. "Congress would rather deny him a win on immigration and let the problem continue to proliferate, no matter the harm to the American people. Even his own party fails him yet again."

"Congress continues to fail us," Pirro continued. "Not only blocking the president's efforts but actually passing a bill this week that would give two and a half million Dreamers amnesty, a signal to illegals that not only will they let you in and pay for food, housing, education, medical and travel, but sooner or later they'll give you amnesty after they release you into the interior proving yet another incentive for illegals to cross."

She then went on to call out each Senate Republican who declared opposition to Trump's threat to impose tariffs on all goods entering American from Mexico. Each Republican had their photo and name up on the screen, as though they were part of 'America's Most Wanted'.

"Congress ought to be fired for forcing this president to negotiate with a foreign power to solve a national immigration crisis that our own government won't solve, either because it's a 'manufactured crisis' — are you stupid and blind?," Pirro continued. "Or do you hate the president so much you'd rather we Americans suffer the burden of the children of illegals into our already too-small classrooms."

"Congress would rather sit on their hands and give themselves a pay raise. I have an idea, fire the whole lot of them," Pirro added. "It all comes down to one thing, the strength of the president to again defy the odds, the naysayers and the doubters ... This is Donald Trump's moment in history. And I for one believe in the man and moment. So should you."

Yep, that's the way to do it. Heaven forbid, oppose the dictator and do your job - and then be fired for doing your job.

Pirro needs to go back into obscurity where she came from.


Where was Tucky Carlson and Sean Insanity last night saying what a disgrace Pirro is for suggesting this? They don't like when the impeachment word is thrown around for an elected President, they don't mind Pirro saying everyone elected to the Senate should be fired?


I agree - they should have thrown an on-air party for her!




Fascist? Dictator??? Look in the friggin' mirror.

Congress is ABSOLUTELY failing the American people. Both sides. For choosing politics first and foremost. Our problem is not necessarily one side or the other, it's the corrupt system. It's politicians. That's why we voted for Trump, ya big dummy. You idiots are still acting like it's purely one side against the other.

Illegal "immigration" is a huge problem that costs us billions. To have an uncontrolled border with a third world country is the definition of insanity. The left won't do anything about it because they think it pads their constituency and giving away the American dream to the downtrodden appeals to the bleeding heart mob. In other words, you idiots believe in laying down in the grass to feed the ticks.


Poor Craig.

Was he born yesterday? Or does he reside in a bubble?

Does he not remember the progressive opposition to President OBAMA's deportation efforts? They were loud & clear & frequent.

So I'm going with 'Craig lives in a bubble.'

#1 Illegal immigration *IS* a problem, but the problem isn't coming from the Southern border, it's from people overstaying their visas. Donald & the GOP has you looking THERE for reasons of their own.

#2 The cost of locking people up & detaining them indefinitely is huge. This does not matter to the GOP cronies who own facilities which house the people rounded up by ICE & DHS & CPB. They have empty beds, they can't bill the government for room & board. Follow the MONEY. Private prisons, private concentration camps COST the taxpayers & the GOP whips up its base so the beds are kept occupied.

#2a But undocumented workers themselves PAY MORE INTO OUR TAX SYSTEM THAN THEY TAKE OUT [/b] And most do the work that Americans will not do.

#3 The "Left" HAS done many things about it. Donald even said "bring me an immigration bill & I will sign it" - but then he reneged because it didn't increase funding for his wall. During Obama's term in office, illegal immigration from the Southern border was AT NET ZERO. Do you understand what that is? [b]more people leaving than coming in!

#4 You voted for Trump because you wanted to combat the corrupt system? My my my. You chose poorly.


#1 Illegal immigration *IS* a problem, but the problem isn't coming from the Southern border, it's from people overstaying their visas. Donald & the GOP has you looking THERE for reasons of their own.

You must be in complete denial of reality:

EL PASO, Texas (CBSDFW.COM/AP) — A group of 1,036 migrants that crossed the border illegally El Paso, Texas, is the largest the Border Patrol has ever encountered, the agency said Thursday.

The crossing was the latest sign that migrants are increasingly coming in large groups. The Border Patrol said it has found 180 groups of more than 100 people since October, compared to 13 in the previous 12-month period and two the year before.



#2 The cost of locking people up & detaining them indefinitely is huge. This does not matter to the GOP cronies who own facilities which house the people rounded up by ICE & DHS & CPB. They have empty beds, they can't bill the government for room & board. Follow the MONEY. Private prisons, private concentration camps COST the taxpayers & the GOP whips up its base so the beds are kept occupied.

Sorry bozo, all processing facilities are full.

Now we just truck the illegals off to wherever - like the Ebola Congoans in San Antonio:

Hundreds of illegal aliens from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa, which is currently experiencing a massive Ebola virus outbreak, have been dropped off in San Antonio, Texas and hundreds more will arrive in the near future.

A local news reporter looking for French-speaking volunteers to communicate with the individuals made a request on Twitter. “City confirms hundreds of migrants from the Congo have arrived in SA. The city is in desperate need for French-speaking volunteers,” Jaleesa Irizarry of Kens 5 San Antonio wrote on Thursday.

BREAKING: City confirms hundreds of migrants from the Congo have arrived in SA. The city is in desperate need for French speaking volunteers. @kens5 #kens5

— Jaleesa Irizarry (@JaleesaReports) June 6, 2019

“A group of about 350 migrants from the Congo will be arriving in San Antonio in the near future,” a notice from the San Antonio Department of Human Services reads.


#2a But undocumented workers themselves PAY MORE INTO OUR TAX SYSTEM THAN THEY TAKE OUT [/b] And most do the work that Americans will not do.

Compound LIE from you again.
According to a recent analysis done by Chris Conover, an American Enterprise Institute adjunct scholar, “all told, Americans cross-subsidize health care for unauthorized immigrants to the tune of $18.5 billion a year.”
Although current federal policy prohibits federal tax funding of health care to unauthorized immigrants through Medicaid or Obamacare, “rough estimates suggest that the nation’s 3.9 million uninsured immigrants who are unauthorized likely receive about $4.6 billion in health services paid for by federal taxes, $2.8 billion in health services financed by state and local taxpayers and another $3 billion bankrolled through ‘cost-shifting,’ i.e. higher payments by insured patients to cover hospital uncompensated care losses, and roughly $1.5 billion in physician charity care,” Mr. Conover wrote in Forbes.
Public education of illegal immigrants’ children is also hemorrhaging the American taxpayer, as under federal law, all students are eligible to receive schooling regardless of their immigration status.
“Public education is where the real big cost comes in,” Randy Capps, the director for research for U.S. programs at the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute told NBC News this year. “The amount of taxes that the parents pay on their earnings, that they pay through property taxes — passed through on their rent — it’s not going to be as much as is spent on public education for their kids and food stamps for their kids.”
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimated it cost public schools $59.8 billion to educate the children of illegal immigrants, and almost the entirety of this cost, 98.9 percent, is borne by taxpayers...


Fact. Undocumented immigrants PAY into Social Security. They don't take it OUT.

FACT. Undocumented immigrants PAY sales taxes with every purchase they make.

The Washington Times? The Columbia Journalism Review reported that The Washington Times was "a forum for the racialist hard right, including white nationalists, neo-Confederates, and anti-immigrant scare mongers"

Which one of those are you, Qboi?

The American Enterprise Institute? That's a Right Wing think tank consisting of lobbyists, whose last director positioned AEI to be much "more aggressive in responding to the policies of the Obama Administration through the use of social media."

You getting PAID shrill shill Q boi?

The Federation for American Immigration Reform? Seriously. FAIR? One of FAIR’s founders, John Tanton, has expressed his wish that America "remain a majority-white population: a goal to be achieved, presumably, by limiting the number of nonwhites who enter the country."

So. Q boi. Got anything from OUTSIDE your one-note bubble?

BTW? There are no REAL conservatives in today's GOP. They fail fiscally, environmentally, morally, legally & militarily


During Obama's term in office, illegal immigration from the Southern border was AT NET ZERO. Do you understand what that is?

Just one more lie from you, sigh...
July 20, 2015The most recent estimates from the Center for Migration Studies indicate that 1.7 million aliens joined the illegal population from 2009 to 2013 and Pew Research Center estimates indicate 1.5 million — 300,000 to 400,000 a year. The Center for Immigration Studies estimates an additional 790,000 joined the illegal population since 2013 for a total of 2.5 million new illegal immigrants since President Obama took office.
The most recent analyses from the Center for Migration Studies and the Pew Research Center indicate 1.5 to 1.7 million aliens joined the illegal population from 2009 to 2013 — either overstaying a temporary visa or sneaking into the country.
Center for Immigration Studies analysis of Census Bureau data indicates that an additional 790,000 aliens joined the illegal population from the middle of 2013 to May of 2015, for a total of 2.5 million new illegal immigrants since President Obama took office in January of 2009 — 300,000 to 400,000 a year.


If the intrepid journalistic sleuths read the very next sentence,The graphic is based on the 2017 Border Security Report from the Department of Homeland Security. From the actual report, "[i]n FY17, CBP recorded the lowest level of illegal cross-border migration on record," CBP being U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Four simple words turn their entire story upside-down – as measured by apprehensions.


Did you miss the part about the immigration FROM THE SOUTHERN BORDER being at net zero?

Undocumented workers are overstaying their visas at unprecedented rates. But they're not coming in from the Southern border.

Those are the ones coming into the country as Melania did. On questionable work visas (excuse me - EINSTEIN visa) which was issued retro-actively.


Its hilarious isn't it. Repubs had full control for two years and couldn't get anything done. But nobody was yelling for anyone to be fired. Then dems win the House and now everyone has to go.

My how things changed quick :)


Yet Pirro foams at the mouth when the word 'impeachment' comes up for T-rump. She reminds her fascist followers that T-rump was elected into the position by Americans, and now there are the liberals who want to impeah him for doing his job.

She has no problem, though, calling for Senators to be fired for doing the job they were elected to do in the first place?

Where's the outrage?


No outrage because IOKIYAAR. It's okay if you're a Republican.

Like Hannity this week - positively apoplectic about a report that Pelosi, in private, said that Donald ought to be locked up.

Pirro has been gurgling too much merlot, methinks.

I am outraged that I just typed the word "methinks"

But I stand by it, just the same. Methinks, therefore I post.

I think, therefore I am a Democrat.




I think, therefore I am a Democrat.

We DO - therefore we are conservatives.


Yes. Mindless do's.

That's like Trump's "Executive Time" on the potty every morning.

Oh! Do you want to look at what was literally DONE? Go right ahead, Q boi!

First? There are no real conservatives in the GOP- both pre Trump & now. What have you actually DONE? A Tax cut which will carry on for the top 10% in perpetuity but will end for Average Joes in 4 years. (Did you NOT read that fine print? Pity.) Trickle Down failed. You have no environmental policy. Trump thinks that Coal is King & that Coal is clean. That, & deregulating is the GOP way. WHICH regulations? (You never bother to ask, you just march in lock step) You have no moral or legal authority. You support TRUMP. You lose moral high ground forever. He defies subpoenas. He attacks law enforcement except those who have pledged allegiance to HIM. You went to war on a LIE so you failed militarily.

Fiscally, environmentally, morally, legally & militarily, you are failures.

Stop DOING failures. K? Q! Good talk.


Its just another sock doing the talk before it gets blocked.


First? There are no real conservatives in the GOP- both pre Trump & now. What have you actually DONE?

Glad you asked, cupcake...
Trump Policies Keep Economic Boom Going As Job Gains of 304000 Surpass Expectations
Manufacturing Confidence at an ALL TIME HIGH
Construction Jobs up more than 300K compared to last year
Food Stamp usage declines for 8 straight months
Middle Class income rises to HIGHEST on record
Consumer Confidence 18 YEAR HIGH
America is now the worlds largest oil producer
Fastest growing pace in 14 years for manufacturers
Jobless claims lowest level since 1969
Trump secures 2026 World Cup for the USA
Consumer Confidence Highest in 18 years
Black Business Ownership Under Trump JUMPS 400 PERCENT in ONE YEAR
Youth Unemployment Hits 52 Year Low
Black Support for Trump DOUBLES to 29 percent
RECORD Number of Employed - 63 Percent labor participation
Worker pay rate hits highest level since 2008
Black and Hispanic Unemployment rates hit record low in April
Business Investments up 39 Percent Due to Tax Cuts
Food Stamp Usage Drops Half Million in Single Month
Highest Ever Manufacturer Optimism over 94 Percent
Unemployment claims have fallen to a 45-year low
Trump Economy Explodes Record Number of Americans Employed Stocks Soar
GREAT AGAIN Household Net Worth Pushes Further Into Record Territory
U.S. Consumer Confidence Is at 17-Year High
US homebuilding permits soar to highest level since 2007
Economy to grow at 5.4% rate in first quarter
Roaring: Economic Optimism Index hits 13-year high, credit to tax cuts
U.S. jobless claims drop to near 45-year low
Wages jump to highest level since 2009 - up 2.9%
U.S. Oil Production Tops 10 Million Barrels A Day, First Time Since 1970


She has no problem, though, calling for Senators to be fired for doing the job they were elected to do in the first place?

Where's the outrage?

Deep state traitors doing "their job" not the one they were elected to?

You bet I'm OUTRAGED!

No more McStains!


"Congress continues to fail us," Pirro continued. "Not only blocking the president's efforts but actually passing a bill this week that would give two and a half million Dreamers amnesty, a signal to illegals that not only will they let you in and pay for food, housing, education, medical and travel, but sooner or later they'll give you amnesty after they release you into the interior proving yet another incentive for illegals to cross."

Most truth-telling Judge ever!

Be a dandy to replace the notorious RBG/dead traitor.



The only one who needs to be replaced is Clarence 'Long Dong Silver' Thomas.

However, the Senate would never pass a one-trick pony like her. Never. Not enough money in the world to pay off McConnell to pass her into the SCOTUS.


The only one who needs to be replaced is Clarence 'Long Dong Silver' Thomas.

Predictable Dem racism rears its fugly head again.

You vermin only USE minorities to acquire power, at heart you loathe them for everything from their skin color to the fact that they dare to succeed in what used to be a white-dominated society.

I wonder why you are so comfortable exposing your own hypocrisy?


If you wish to keep a sexual predator on the SCOTUS who does absolutely nothing, have at it. There was no mention of race whatsoever, just the porno flick he invited Anita Hill to watch with him.

But leave it to a QAnon member like yourself to try and stir the pot with 'racism!' - as though it matters to you.


If you wish to keep a sexual predator on the SCOTUS who does absolutely nothing, have at it.

Care to prove any of the Justices does "absolutely nothing"?

Have at.



Careful - this is from the NYT, so have a dictionary nearby to help with the big words. This isn't what you're used to (simplistic FOX NEWS for their simpleminded viewers).
